Hunter: Map of Crowwoch

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Kingdom of Shevyn

The kingdom of Shevyn is engaged in all out war with the Fae - as much as any Fae will commit to openly engaging, preferring as they do to work behind the scenes. The kingdom stretches from the Grass Sea in the north to Blackmount above the Plains of the Sun.

Grass sea

Inhabited primarily by nomadic horsemen who pay tribute to Shevyn in exchange for peace, the Grass Sea is effectively part of the kingcom without being part of the kingdom.

Harrow Deep

The sea to the west of the kingdom serves to facilitate open trade with Kaaja Din.

Fel Mountains

To the east stretches a cluster of craggy mountains that was home to many of the Fel before hey left the mortal realm altogether.


The wildwood is a vast forest that supplies the kingdom with lumber and hunting, but it is also home to innumerable portals between the mortal realm and the Feywild.

Hunter's Guild: Once a humble school of learning for those gifted in dweomercraft, the guild has become a training ground for turning mortal magic against the Fae.


Great darkness lives beneath Blackmount and nothing grows on its ashen surface. Banes buried by the Fel before their passing from the world are said to be found there, banes that could turn the tide against the Fae if recovered.

Plains of the Sun

Between Blackmount and Kaaja Din stretch the Plains of the Sun, a vast no-man's land of yellow grass and feral wolves known to prefer the taste of human flesh. Overland trade between Kaaja Din and Shevyn is near non-existence because of the danger represented by the plains.

Kingdom of Kaaja Din

The kingdom of Kaaja Din has all but been subverted by the Fae. Unrest between the kingdoms grows.

Faewater: Faewater is the seat of Kaaja Din's government, situated on a protected harbour.
Faer: Faer is an island community built up around an ancient temple from a past age.

Southron Wastes

The Southron Wastes are a great desert, the southern and easternmost reaches of which have never been mapped.

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