Hunter: Laws of Magic

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PCs are bound by the following limits, restrictions, and requirements when weilding the six Forms (and to a lesser extent, cantrips).


Line of sight to the target is required. To move something around the mortal realm the target destination must be well known or in sight.


Conjurations create scene-long assets but are limited to things the character could lift and carry. When summoning beings from outside the mortal realm, that being's true name must be known. Once summoned, a being is present in the mortal realm. Concentration is not required (or effective) to keep it there.

It is a myth that summoned beings must obey their summoner.

Cantrips: Cantrips are small magics that don't require the same level of concentration as true conjurings, but once forgotten will begin to fade. The number of cantrips that can be maintained at one time is one per rank in the Conjuration Form.


Scrying and auguries both require the use of a prepared elemental focus of the diviner's affinity: a bowl of clear water, a candle or lamp, a black mirror, or a hand fan. Scrying further requires familiarity with the target or possession of an object closely associated with the target.

You cannot scry outside the mortal realm. Ongoing scrying requires focused concentration to maintain.


Evocation is instantaneous and cannot be maintained through concentration. Line of sight is required to target an attack or put up a defense. The character may call forth their affinity element with no penalty. Calling forth an adjacent element requires them to step back their Evocation die. This die cannot be stepped back below d4 They cannot call forth the element opposed to their affinity element.


Line of sight to the target area of the effect is required. For each sense engaged beyond the first, step this die back by one. This die cannot be stepped back below d4 Maintaining an illusion requires focused concentration.


Line of sight is required to target a creature or object for transmutation. Focused concentration is required to maintain a transmutation.

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Iron and Running Water[edit]

Iron is anathema to the Fae. If they are touched by it, it burns. If they are bound by it, they cannot work their magic. If they are wounded by it, it can kill, particularly if not removed.

It is said lesser Fae cannot maintain their glamour if they are even near iron.

Many mortals carry iron trinkets to ward against the Fae, not understanding enough to grasp the futility of the gesture.

Running Water has no particular effect on the Fae. It was the Fel who were vulnerable to crossing rivers and seas, but since their passing, those without understanding of magic have come to (erroneously) attribute these vulnerabilities to the Fae.

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