Running Sheet Alexi Regor

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Alexi Zhenya, Prince of Regor

Father:Nicholas Zhenya, Czar of Regor

Mother:Clarissa Zhenya, Czarina of Regor

Children: Son(?) with Nala Moir Tral




  • Prince of Regor
  • Knight of The Tiger's Heirs
  • Graduate of Rasak
  • Professor of Regorian History-Imperial University
  • Grand Champion 1000cc class. Randal Planetary. 14 years.
  • Grand Champion 200 cc Flat Chassis 4 Wheel. R.P. 1 year
  • Randal Champion Mixed Martial Arts-120km or under.10 years.
  • Randal Champion Rapier Set(5 Styles)(Single Blade, Blade and cloak, Duel Blade, Blade and Short Blade and Defense 120 km or Under.{fish on stick. Many opponents and viewers disliked the Fish Stick but the history of comic defenses allowed it}, 12 years.
  • Randal Champion Duel Blade 120 or under. 15 years.
  • Randal Champion Mixed Martial Arts-250km or under. 1 year..
  • Randal Champion Rapier Set(5 Styles)250km or under.(Single Blade, Blade and cloak, Duel Blade, Blade and Short Blade and Defense {fish on stick. Many opponents and viewers disliked the Fish Stick but the history of comic defenses allowed it}, 1 year
  • Randal Champion Duel Blade. 250km or Under.

{See Below in Miscellany under the 5764 Regorian Incident.}

  • The Allah Ensemble: The Southern Waters group- Viola and other stringed instruments. Ensemble Leader Vek Hendrake. 7 Awards.


Total:240 = 80 Stats+ 60 Powers+ 32 Skills+ 38 Items +0/0 allies/Enemies+9 Shadows. +1 Stuff+30 Storage


  • 10 Randal Advancement.
    • Racing.


  • 5 Pips Warfare-Graduates reach at Least Amber Rank in Warfare
  • 3 Pip Endurance-graduates gain at least Chaos Rank in Endurance with 5 pip toward Amber rank.
  • 2 Pip Strength-Graduates gain at least Amber Strength
  • 1 Pip Skill-Military Technology
  • 1 Pip Skill-Military Command and Communications.
  • 1 Pip Skill-Military Horsemanship
  • 1 Pip Skill-Gymnastics
  • 1 Pip Skill-Medical Training
  • 1 Pip Skill-Cooking. Butchering. General gardening. Preparation. Cast Iron. Open Fire.


  • Psyche: 35
  • Strength: 15
  • Endurance: 15
  • Warfare:15

Powers {60}[edit]

  • (40) Advanced Regor Imprint: 6 major, 12 Minor
  • 15 Sorcery
  • 20 Conjuration
  • 10 Limited Shapechange
  • 10 Mal at Riess: Imperial Petola University Construct. :4 Major
  • 5 Pócaí Imprint :2 Major, 8 Minor

Skills {32}[edit]

  • 2 Motocycle Racer/Trick riding
  • 2 Horsemanship
    • 1 Pip Skill-Military Horsemanship
  • 3 Thievish Skills-Gymnastics., Sleight of Hand
  • 3 Spycraft
  • 2 Parkour
    • 1 Pip Rasak-Gymnastics
  • 2 Medical
    • 1 Pip Rasak-Medical Training
  • 2 Diplomacy
    • 1 Regorian Zakuski
  • 2 Card Gambling-Poker, Tonk
  • 2 Dice Gambling
  • 1 High Church Liturgy
  • 1 Fixed Wing Pilot
  • 1 Swimming
  • 1 Juggling
  • 2 Fashion. Men's and Women's
  • 2 Cooking
    • 1 Pip Rasak: Cooking. Butchering. General gardening. Preparation. Cast Iron. Open Fire
  • 2 Wine & Vodka connoisseur -
    • Beer & spirits connoisseur

Rasak Skills[edit]

  • 1 Pip Skill-Military Technology
  • 1 Pip Skill-Military Command and Communications.
  • 1 Pip Skill-Military Horsemanship
  • 1 Pip Skill-Gymnastics
  • 1 Pip Skill-Medical Training
  • 1 Pip Skill-Cooking. Butchering. General gardening. Preparation. Cast Iron. Open Fire

Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}[edit]


  • 2 Carissa
  • 1 Vek Hendrake
  • 1 Chaos (Alex Eli's friendship is separate from his with Vek's)
  • 1 Trenton Blackstone


  • various


  • Nala Moir Tral

Items {38}[edit]

  • Badge of Dikost

Imperial Prince's Blade[edit]

Rasak Knife[edit]

Regorian Horse(26)[edit]

Скрафф pronounced Skraff


  • 1 Ability: Fire
  • 1 Ability: Call to hand

next thing[edit]

12 pips on lesser items

Shadows {9}[edit]

  • 3 Personal Shadows in Regor


  • 2 Good Stuff
  • 1 Permanent Bad stuff


5764 Regorian Incident[edit]

Lord Alexa competed in various Blade championships for 15 years. As part of the competition he competed in the 120 km or under class.

Many years he joked that if the money was so much better in the 150km, 180km, 200km, 250km, even under the unlimited classes he wanted to fight in them. While for years the charming manner of his stating his desire to fight in the higher class was a joking one but it began to grate on the nerves of the high weight competitors.

Eventually at a drunken evening after the 5763 championship he got in a screaming argument with Trenton Blackstone.

That year Blackstone had won the Rapier Set-5 piece style, the Single Blade, the Long & Short, and the Duel Blade in the 250km.

Alexei Zhenya won the MMA Open, Rapier 5 Style, and the Duel Blade. Placing well in others in the 120km

Blackstone dared him to duel that night. But sober heads stopped the fight. However, Alexei formally applied to participate in the 5764 season.

During the 5764 championship Alexei won the 250 class MMA Open, Rapier Set-5 Style,and the Duel Blade, placing well in other categories. In the Championship s fights for 5 Style he fought Trenton Blackstone himself and defeated him.

After the Championship there were several investigations. Some about the use of magic and other illegal technical skills. One investigated his background in Regor. King Vance of Vulsara attended and it was determined that the inclusion of certain races, such as Amberite ,Regorians and a few other would not be allowed in the lesser weight classes. There were many objections. Legal battles would go on for years. Blackstone and Alexei shook hands and eventually be came friends. Alexei Zhyena officially retired from competition over the affair though he continued to joke about it.