Pirates: Character 6
Sven "Redskap" Larson

Physical || Mental
|| Social
Trained Skills 

Dock Worker -
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Ghost in the Machine: Sometimes Fixing a thing means teaching it to do something it was never meant to do. When subverting the original purpose of a system or device, spend 1pp to roll your Trick die and add it to your total on any Craft, Fix, or Operate action.
Duct Tape and Bubble Gum: Ain't a perfect fix, but she'll hold! (Hear me, baby? -hold). When you slap on a jury-rig patch, spend 1pp to step back a mechanical or system based complication.
Highlighted Skills: Know | Labor | Operate
Hired Muscle You lost your hands and your family on the same day. Eventually you got new hands.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Highlighted Skills: Fight | Focus | Notice
Cyborg You're good at getting into and fitting into places and situations you maybe shouldn't.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Highlighted Skills: Move | Shoot | Survive
Signature Assets 

Cyber Armor: Despite their cybernetic nature, your hands and arms look perfectly normal, perfectly organic, perfectly . . . human. They don't flinch or shake, and they don't hesitate. No matter what is going on around you, your hands know what they are about.
Sensor Package: You have a cortical implant that lets you connect to wireless systems.
Master Mechanic's Tool Kit: You have a compact set of universally useful tools. Everything a growing girl stuck in a cramped, dark boiler room needs.