Hexen Ward: Map of London

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1. Skystone Obelisk

Carved and polished from raw hematite in Egypt, the obelisk stands as an interdiction of elemental iron against the encroachment of the Fae.

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2. Tower of London

Also known as the King's Fortress, the tower is actually a vast property that serves the dual purpose of royal residence and prison to offenders of noble birth.

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3. River Market

A vast arrangement of stalls and pavilions, the great open air market is a gathering place, news depot, rumor mill, and provisionary. Frequented primarily by servants, serfs, and merchants, it is said to be the beating heart of London's underground.

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4. Reveler's Gardens

Maintained by the seemingly bottomless treasury of Franco-Germanic werewolf, Wilhelm Waldenheim, these grand gardens are the cultivated and cultured site of numerous tawdry galas throughout the year.

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5. Explorer's Museum

Built in the style of a great Greek temple, the museum houses a vast collection of treasures from around the world - even a secret display of Fae and Wildling bones and artifacts.

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6. Queen's Palace

In most regencies, this secluded villa is the retreat of the queen, meant to allow her to step away from court life. Victoria makes only occasional use of it.

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7. Maiden of Pain Abbey

Built over an ancient Sidhe mound, strange occurrences are known to happen in and around the abbey, particularly during the full and new moons.

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8. Templar Hospital

Disbanded five centuries prior, it is a bit of a mystery why the house of healing was named after the crusader arm of the church, but it is believed to be linked to the Knights Hospitaller inheriting their legacy. Templar Hospital is the source of dire tales regarding medical experimentation performed on the Fae.

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9. Monastery Bridge

Monastery bridge crosses the Darkwater (Thames) River into Westminster.

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10. Blackeep Bridge

Though the fortress had long since fallen, the bridge that once led to its gates is still named for the Black Keep.

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11. London Bridge

The newly constructed stone arch bridge has only recently replaced its medieval predecessor, and remains the oldest crossing of the Darkwater (Thames).

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12. Guild Arcana

Vast with the patronage of London's upper crust, the Guild Arcana is home to the self proclaimed masters of the magical arts and the journeymen and apprentices they train.

Though the Church pays lip service to disapproval, the Guild has the support of crown and the social elite, and the church lost the power to stand against secular entrenchment long ago.

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13. Hexen Ward

The Fae have placed numerous changelings, spirits of lesser faelings, into mortal babes to grow and mature among them, but not all changelings retain their faerie allegiance. Some are moved to side with mortals. These are the Hexen.

Hexen Ward is an impoverished cluster of decaying buildings situated in the midst of a ramshackle neighborhood in north London, home to criminals and hard women and men. It is a place where mortals and Fae alike are loathe to intrude and an ideal haven for rebellion.

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