Summon 1 to 4 Great Redwood Warriors: Found Here
Great Redwood Warrior
Total: = 105 Stats+17 Powers+20 Skills+ Items +0/0 allies/Enemies +3 Stuff + 10 Storage
- Psyche: 10
- Strength:40
- Endurance: 40
- Warfare: 15
Powers {17}
(4) Sigil of Avalon Advanced Imprint
(3) Sigil Shape-change
Human & Either Elf, Dwarf, or Magical Creature
(5) Low Order Sorcery Sorcery in Jeweled Amber
(5) Earth Sence-Nature Contact
Skills {20}
Items {}
- 1 Animal Vitality
- 2 Double speed-Fly
- 2 Amber Stamina
- 2 Combat Reflexes
- 4 Invulnerable
- 1 Extra Hard. (Actually indestructible)
- 2 Speak & Sing
- 1 Sensitivity
- 1 Chaos Resistance
- 1 Follow Shadow Trail
- 1 Mold Shadow Stuff
- 2 Rapid Heal
- 2 N/N: Indian Long Bow, Quarterstaff
- 1 Ability: Call to Hand/Return
- 21
Returning Arrows(10)
- 1 Animal Vitality
- 2 Double Speed
- 1 VS Weapons
- 2 Double Damage
- 1 Able to Speak
- 1 Self-heal
- 2 N/N: Hunting Arrow, War Arrow, Modern Bear slotted arrow, Mithril arrow Slotted Head
- 10
x3 Horde.
- 30
Wooden Shield
- 4 Combat Mastery. 5 Transfer
- 4 Invulnerable Armor. 5 Transfer
- 1 Extra Hard
- 1 Able to Speak
- 2 Rapid heal. 10 Transfer
- 2 N/N: Weed Shield with personal device, Wood Shield with Redwood Device, Table with four legs. Wagon Wheel
Iron Knife(17)
- 4 Combat Master. 5 Transfer
- 4 Deadly Damage. 8 Vs Earth Foes
- 2 Speak & Sing
- 2 Danger Sense
- 1 Self-Heal
- 1 Alt Form: Iron Knife, Iron tipped spear
- 2 Ability: Call to Hand from Any world/Return
- 1 Ability: Bond to owner
- 17 pips
Sleeping & Camp Gear(21)
A leather, canvas, feather, iron, and wood charms that changes.
- 1 Confers mobility
- 4 Invulnerable
- 2 Speak & Sing
- 2 Danger Sense
- 4 Regeneration
- 8 Shapeshift.
- 21
This is complex combination of magical items. The artifact creates a personalized tippie, blankets, trinkets, cooking set up, table, seating, kill cleaning areas and equipment.
- 3 Good Stuff