The Great Realm of Etapaq

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This dark realm is filled with billions of people living in complex medium technological realms. A sword age with the internal combustion engine with cars, motorcycles, tractors and gunpowder. They are realms with hot black suns and dark blue moons. It is a land of dim electrical lights. Imagine a technological world where they developed inefficiently, messily, and kind of stupidly.

Its warrior king is Tezcatlipoca. Not a member of the line of Tonacat, he is a difficult and dangerous warrior king without familial loyalty to Azcala. He has no living children and his dead ones don't like him and wage a constant war against him.

For more detailed information on the Tier of Etapaq see The Great Realm of Etapaq

Warrior Societies[edit]

Etepaq provides many warriors for the military might of Azcala and they make sure the rulers of Azcala know it. However the warriors of Etepaq do not serve in the Puma, Eagle, Snake or Jaguar Clans. They have something of an antipathetic relationship with the Warrior Clans despite being part of it. They have their own Warrior Societies but hate them being called or compared to clans.

The military of Etapaq is well equipped with magical armor and weaponry and supported by combat mages and healers.

  • The Red Face Society
  • Bladed Hand Society
  • Etapaqaxilitios. A cavalry wizardry order. T

Sigil of Etapaq[edit]

The Sigil of Etapaq is not a shadow of the Sigil of Azcala. It was a High order, minor squiggle at the time of the creation of the squiggle of Azcala and was consumed by the forces of creation at the time. It does not cast its own shadows.

Serpent Stones[edit]

A High Order item created by passage through the Sigil of Etepaq. The stones are usually a mixture of turquoise and gold and are carved before a person walks the Sigil, empowering them. They may also be carved human bone embossed with gold or high woods with embedded silver. They can hold a single spell of most forms of low or high order initiations of magic. Spells cast from Serpent Stones work in shadows even were the magic of the spell or magic of shadow does not allow the original system of Low Magic or High Order Sorcery to function. A person may carry many of these items.