Amber Standard Kit
Basic Soldiers Kit for General Duty
Guardsman In Peacetime
- Chainmail Haubrak, Chainmail Leg Armor. Helm
- ,Broadsword, Side Blade, Bowie knife
- Shield.
Camp Equipment
- Standard wall tent. 26'x16'x9'
- 10 cots and bedding
- 10 chairs
- 1 Table
- 4 storage benches 18"x18"x4'. Benches use toggle handles on the side.
- 10 small Storage Benches for personal use. 18"x18"x2'. Benches use toggle handles on the side. A 17"x8"x8' box attached to the left interior top is used for small unit equipment
- Servant's Wedge tent
- 2 cots
- 2 storage benches 18"x18"x4'. Benches use toggle handles on the side.
- 2 small Storage Benches for personal use. 18"x18"x2'. Benches use toggle handles on the side. A 17"x8"x8' box attached to the left interior top is used for stacks, utensils, hammers, mallets.
Benches: A company has 6 long benches and 12 small benches. The long benches each have a small interior bos for small items likely to get lost.
Operational trainings
Benedict Personal
Naval Basic training