Running Sheet Henry
Henry Michael Bariman Sawall
Father: Mandor Sawall
Mother:Fiona of Amber
Total: = Stats+ Powers{c}+ Skills+{c}+ Items +0/0 allies/Enemies + Stuff+Storage
- 35 in Stats
- 70(115) in Powers
- 10 in Skills
- (x) in creatures/Items
- 10 Pips in Shadow
- 0 in Allies (0/0)
- 5 Stuff
- Psyche: 20
- Strength: 5
- Endurance:5
- Warfare:5
Powers {(115)70}
- (50)Pattern - Not yet gained
- (10)25 Shape Shift
- (5)10 Sorcery
- (10)10 Conjuration
- (15)10 Woven Logrus
- 10 partial trump
- 5 Shadow Magic
Skills {10}
Allies & Enemies {16/16 = 0}
Shadow-Galatea-10 pips
- 1 personal Shadow
- 4 Control of Destiny and Environs.
- 2 Access control
- 1 Block Trump and Pattern
- 2 Time ratio. 20 Days in Galatea to 1 in Amber. *5 days in Galatea to 1 in Antheris
Henry's Outfit (22)
- 4 Amber Vitality
- 2 Double Speed 5 transfer: Never be late!!
- 2 Amber Stamina
- 2 Combat Reflexes. 5 transfer
- 4 Invulnerable.
- 4 Limited Shapechange: Allows him to modify the suit to fit the need: Brooks Brothers Suit, Armani Tuxedo, Sleeping bag
- 1 Ability-Proof vs Drowning.
- 1 Ability-Pouch of holding. 2'x 2'
- 1 Ability- Call to Don/Return to closet
- 1 Ability- Clean at will. 5 Transfer.
- 22
Henry's Guns (28)
Henry caries two of these in a shoulder holster rig. Weapon is a Desert Eagle, .357. 9 rnd clip
- 4 Invulnerable
- 2 Double Damage. If used as a club.
- 2 Mold Creatures and stuff. Mainly to make other ammunition fit if needed and to effect people who handle the weapons.
- 2 N/N: 357 Cal, 50 Cal, 44 cal, 22 cal
- 1 Ability: Call to Hand/ Return
- 1 Ability: Cleanse on Demand
- 1 Ability: Load while in command.
- 14 x 3=42. Mandor & Fiona
Clips (5)
- 2 N/N: 375 cal-9nd,50 cal-7 rnd,44 cal-8rnd, 22 cal.20 rnd,
- 1 Ability: Call to Hand/ Return
- 1 Ability: Cleanse on Demand
- 1 Ability: Load while in gun is in use or clips are out of weapon.
- 5 x5 Horde=15 Mandor & Fiona
Henry's Ammunition (8)
- 1 Mobility:
- 1 Mold Stuff: Mold Ammunition to a usable powder and primer from shadow to shadow.
- 8 Extraordinarily Deadly Damage
- 2 N/N: 357. cal, 50. cal,44. cal,22. cal, Explosive Grenade, Smoke Grenade, Flash/Bangs Grenades
- 1 Ability. : Call to Hand by box. Return
- 13. x3 =29 horde.
Henry's Shoes. 13
- 2 Double Speed. 5 Transfer. Expresses as really easy to run in.
- 2 VS Guns. Expresses protecting feet from ground debris.
- 2 Double Damage. When used for kicking.
- 1 Self Healing. Damage to the boots is easy to repair
- 4 Limited Shapechange.\: Allows Henry to shift shoes to the need and the style. Helps him not liik like he is wearing the same shoes all the time.