Savage Sands: Groups

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Hillrend Mercantile Co.
A large trading company whose caravans regularly (but not always) make it through the magic storms, but nobody outside the company can figure out why.
A group who believes that technology is responsible for the world's fall. They want magic to completely supplant it. Membership is heavily biased towards 'new world' species like the Elves; Who (for reasons unknown) have a lot of trouble with modern devices. Ishtri has been approached by their recruiters several times. Arcanum's base of operations is within a 'cursed' area, that causes all technology to rapidly decay. But they don't have much influence in the wider wasteland. Mages are just too rare for this plan to work. Arcanum is trying to increase the percentage of those born with magic; So far without success.
Band of the Hand
Growing up as a sand scavenger, Kai had regular run ins with the Band, as their primary function outside communities is snatching up the artifacts and raw materials unearthed by scavengers to sell in the towns and stealing them. The Band rarely injures or unalives their prey unnecessarily, as it pays to leave them healthy enough to keep working so they can rob them again. In the towns, the Band practices all sorts of street larceny, and Kai continued to have run ins with them as Fletcher Jon's apprentice. They are useful fonts of info from time to time, but Kai avoids working with them openly if he doesn't have to, preferring to indelicately pluck what he needs straight from their brains. Members of the Band all have a life-sized five fingered hand branded somewhere on their flesh. Their cover in communities as caravan/travel protection out in the desert, is what allows them to opperate openly in the towns. They typically ride large flightless birds adapted to the desert outside the walls.
Kai's reaction to them is decidedly negative, but he has and will work with them at need.
Blood Hunters
The Blood Hunters are a group of big-game hunters who specialize in dangerous prey. Most of them are pure mercenaries who take out monsters or weird animals that are threatening communities; a few are adrenaline junkies who hunt for the thrill of it.
Shadoweye briefly considered joining the Blood Hunters if they would have him, but their focus on killing and mercenary attitudes unnerved him. There are dark rumors that some Blood Hunters sell their services for non-animal targets, though these have never been confirmed.
To be clear, Shadoweye's attitude toward the Blood Hunters is wary and cool but not openly hostile.

Notable NPCs

Shadoweye has an on-again, off-again relationship with a female rakashan Hunter known as Redclaw who he encounters periodically in his travels; both know they'd make a terrible couple, but both appreciate the other as an occasional fling.
His attitude toward Bloodclaw is more like "I know we're bad for each other but I don't care."