Running Sheet Fang, Dunce, Imp
Fang, Dunce, & Imp
- Hounds of Mandalay. Lords of Mandalay
- Abyssal Lords
Points{Fang & Dunce 105}{Imp 185}
Total:105 = 20 Stats+ {75(161)}Powers+10 Skills+{(16)} Items +0/0 allies/Enemies+0 Shadows +0 Stuff+0 Storage for Fang & Dunce
Total:185 = 95 Stats+ {75(161)}Powers+10 Skills+{(16)} Items +0/0 allies/Enemies+3 Shadows +2 Stuff+0 Storage
- Adventures in Azcalan at Adrianna request.
- 25:
- Fang & Dunce: raise warfare making them effectively smarter.
- Imp:5 to psyche, str, warfare.2 gs,3 shadow-"Yipyip"
- 25:
Statistics {Fang & Dunce 20. Imp 185}
Stat | Fang | Dunce | imp |
Psyche | Chaos | Chaos | 5 |
Strength | 15 | 15 | 15 |
Endurance | 15 | 15 | 70 |
Warfare | Amber | Amber | 5 |
Powers {75(161)}
- (50) Mark of Mandalay
- 5 Abyssal Scar-Abyssal Lord
- (66-Fleece)Hounds of Mandalay Powers
- (45) Logrus imprint.
- 70 Advanced Shapechange
Hounds of Mandalay Powers{66}
- 4 Amber Vitality
- 4 Engine Speed
- 4 Endless Stamina
- 2 Armor Vs Guns
- 4 Deadly Damage
- 4 Tongues
- 8 Extraordinary Psyche
- 8 Chaos Immunity
- 4 Seek in Shadow
- 8 Extortionary Regeneration
- 2 N/N Forms: Wolf, Dog, Massive Wolf, tiny dog.
- 4 Ability-Immune to Multiple elemental/Abyssal attacks.-Fire, Acid, ice, Diamond Shards
- 4 Ability-Immune to Forced Shape change
- 4 Ability-Immune to Mental Control or manipulations.
- 2 Ability-Mental Bond/communication with pack
- 66
Skills {10}
- 2 Parkour
- 1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1
Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}
- 6 Fang, Dunce, Imp,
- Hounds of Mandalay
Items {(15)}
Collars. (15)
- 2 Vitality
- 4 Invulnerable. 5 transfer
- 1 Speak. Receives commands from suitable leaders.
- 4 regen. 10 Transfer
- 4 limited shape change. Changes with their forms
- 15
- 1 Personal shadow
- 2 Time Control :10 to 1 in Mandalay
Yipyip is a world of easily hunted game, warm weather, clean water rivers. All the things hounds would like. meadows, forest glades.
No sentient inhabitant. Lots of docile sheep.
It also causes anyone there to heal twice as fast
Anyone badly wounded goes immediately asleep until they are healed enough.
- 2 Permanent Bad Stuff
- 2 Permanent Good Stuff
- 2 good stuff
These warrior wolves are the muscle of the group. Aggressive, unrelenting, bloodthirsty.
Imp is their leader being marginally smarter. He also realized the need for a shadow for the th recover from adventures.