Mythic Greece Hippokore

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Name: Hippokore
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Ranger 4 (Gloomstalker)/Cleric 1 (Twilight Domain)
Level: 5
Age: ~19


Ability Scores[edit]

Strength: 13 (+1)
Dexterity: 20 (+5) (+1 Variant Human)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 8 (-1)
Wisdom: 16 (+3) (+1 Human Variant)
Charisma: 10 (0)

AC: 17 (Studded Leather + Dex)
HP: 38
Hit Dice: 5d10
Speed: 30', combat 40'
Proficiency: +3

Melee Attack: +4 (Str) / +8 (Dex) if the weapon has Finesse
Ranged Attack: +10 (Dex) / +5 (Dex) (Sharpshooter)
Spell Attack: +6
Spell Save DC: 14

Initiative Bonus: +8 (Dex + Dread Ambusher)
Passive Perception: 19 (Canny)
Passive Insight: 13

Saving Throws[edit]

Strength: +4 (PR)
Dexterity: +8 (PR)
Constitution: +1
Intelligence: -1
Wisdom: +3
Charisma: 0


Spell Slots:
Level 1: 4
Level 2: 2

Cantrips known (3): Guidance, Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy

Spells Known/Prepared (9):
1st Level
Disguise Self (Gloomstalker), Faerie Fire (Twilight domain), Goodberry (Ranger), Guiding Bolt (Cleric), Healing Word (Cleric), Hunter's Mark (Ranger), Longstrider (Ranger), Sleep (Twilight Domain), Speak With Animals (Ranger)

Languages Known[edit]

Ancient Greek, Amazonian, Anatolian, Celtic


Light Armour, Medium Armour, Heavy Armor, Shields, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Flute (from background)


Acrobatics +8
Animal Handling +6
Athletics +4
Perception +9 (Canny)
Religion +2
Stealth +11 (Skill Expert)
Survival +6


Skill Expert


Human Variant rules: +1 to two Abilities, 1 Feat, 1 Skill


Saving Throws: Str / Dex
Cleric: Twilight domain (Artemis)
- Eyes of Night (300' Darkvision, Share with up to 3 creatures)
- Vigilant Blessing (Grant a creature advantage on Initiative)
Ranger: Gloomstalker
Deft Explorer
Canny (gain double proficiency bonus on one skill; learn two additional languages)
Favored Foe (on a hit, mark as a bonus action for +1d4 damage 1/round, 3/Long rest)
Fighting Style: Archery (+2 to attack rolls with ranged weapons)
Primal Awareness (cast Speak With Animals 1/long rest without using a spell slot)
Dread Ambusher
- +Wis modifier to Initiative
- +10' move, +1 weapon attack, +1d8 damage on first turn in combat
Umbral Sight (60' darkvision, invisible to creatures relying on darkvision in darkness)




Longbow & Arrows
2x Short swords
Studded Leather Armour
Explorer's Pack
Holy Symbol (Artemis)
Riding Horse
Bit & Bridle
Riding Saddle
Antitoxin x5
31 gp

Character Backstory[edit]

Hippokore and her twin brother Hippolytus were the children of the Athenian king Theseus and the Amazon queen Hippolyta. Always having much of her mother in her, Hippokore didn't take well to the Athenian expectations of women, preferring archery, hunting, athletics and weapons training to activities "better suited" for women. When her father announced that he had arranged for her to be married, she escaped from the palace and fled into the woods, where she was found by and joined the Huntresses of Artemis. Her brother later joined her, becoming one of the few male Hunters of Artemis.

Recently, their stepmother Phaedra accused Hippolytus of forcing himself on her (something Hippokore knew him to be innocent of), prompting Theseus to call in a favor from Poseidon to have him killed, which in turn caused Hippokore to have even more of a grudge against them than she already did.

Post Header[edit]

Hippokore | AC 17 | HP 38/38 | Spell Slots: Lvl 1 - 4/4; Lvl 2 - 2/2|