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Name: Dao-san-Samith
Doom: Defy the Avatar; Reunify the House
Essence: Holophilic Autocrat on the Run
Shadow: Enemies in High Places
Blood: Heir to a Condemned House
Origin: Accidental Archeology; Fate or Chance?
Companion: Chosen by Ashidnaera, the Demonbound Pistol
Player: Eplov

Dao-san-Samith, currently the closest living heir to Duke Barayan-san-Samith, has lived, until recently, a privileged life. Amadorad is not a forgiving place, with the constant threat of entropic attack on nearly all borders, Amadoradi people are, by necessity, extremely martial. Some of that zeal made it into Dao's blood, but his interests ran counter to those his father sought to instill. Barayan wanted his son to learn of leading men, defending his people, and holding back the nigh-inevitable hordes for generations to come. Dao went through the motions and learned a bit of statecraft here and there, but his true passion was his utter fascination with mechanized weapons and the endless layers of undercity.

His consuming interest started with an ill-fated fall into the undercity beneath his childhood home. A game of hide-and-seek turned life-threatening when Dao stepped on an unstable stone, uncovering an undiscovered one-way path into ancient catacombs. Fortuitously, he was uninjured by the fall, but climbing the steep slope was beyond his capability at the time. Looking about the forgotten tomb, he found his greatest possession: a pristine ebony pistol without a speck of dust, rust, or decay. Placing his hand on its strangely warm surface bound the two together, and, with its help, Dao navigated through and out of the almost-death sentence his trip to the undercity should have been. He was touched by the experience and continued almost nightly forays into the depths until his father got in hot water with the Avatar. Again, fortune was with him, and he was not in his chambers the night his family was taken. Unfortunately, that has left him without direct support and on the run.

Now, Dao is left to his own devices. He's lost access to his family's resources and is constantly at risk of discovery and capture. He finds himself in Glorious Kados, unsure of his next steps, but confident that Fate will not let him down.


+5 The Lords (Pillar)
+4 Ranged Combat
+3 Fate* Investigation
+2 Deceive Notice Athletics
+1 Willpower Lore Phsique


Physical [1][2][3]

Mental [1][2][3]

Status [1][2][3][4] + 1 Mild Consequence Slot

Wealth [1][2]

Stunts & Abilities

Jack-of-All-Trades: You’re a social chameleon, familiar with the values, lingo, and behaviors of different pillars. You face no obstacle in Pillar overcome or maneuver rolls to exploit your knowledge of a different pillar.

Subtle Cantrip: when making a Combined roll with Deceive and a Power skill to cast a Cantrip, add +2 to the Deceive roll to keep that cantrip hidden.

Gun Kata: You are light on your feet with a gun in your hand, able to keep the gunplay going while evading attempts to harm you. You may use Shoot instead of Athletics to defend against physical attacks.

Tomb Raider: You are at home in dark and ancient places. You can use Investigate instead of Burglary to bypass locks and traps, or "case the joint" when inside a tomb, undercity, ruins, or similar.

Specialist: Ruins Lore: You act at a +2 skill level in Lore actions related to the knowledge of ancient ruins. This includes how old they are, who built them, what their purpose may have been, and any typical hazards or denizens.


Respectful Explorers of Antiquity
Demonbound Pistol
Aspect: Sentient Demonbound Pistol
Pact Weapon: You can summon your pact weapon into your hand as a free action from any distance.
Self-Repair - Repairs naturally over time without outside maintenance
Notice 1
Lore 1
Enhanced Sense (Nightsight)
Unallocated AP: 2


Demonbound Pistol - Functions as Radium Pistol
Stress: +3 | Range: 3 | Notes: Steady Missile. Mechanism. Uncommon.
Steady Missile: Your weapon’s projectile moves in a straight line toward its target, giving you a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 bonus on aiming maneuvers.
Throwing Knife
Stress: 0 | Range: 1 | Graceful Weapon. Two carried.
Scale Hauberk - Fitted suit from before he fled. All Amadoradi emblems have been removed.
Stress: -3 | Full body armor. Unprotected Legs. Good Protection Against Bludgeoning Attacks. Hundreds of solid alagin plates, laced together and fastened with a backing.
Armored Boots - Cancels Unprotected Legs Condition
Tomb Robber's Tools - Rope, pole, lockpicks, jimmies, Codex of Infamous Inscriptions, etc.
An Untried Treasure Map
Soiled but Luxurious Clothing
Jewellery in need of polishing

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