Shemp Lemkin

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one of the original Chaon Riders. Father Shemp Lemkin, Priest of the Episcopal Diocese of Montana.

Born 1921, Stockton, California

Born in Stockton, he entered the Marines in 1937. In 1941, with the rank of buck sergeant, he was on guard duty at the military HQ, Pearl Harbor. He served with distinction throughout the war. He was a platoon sergeant at Omaha beach where he earned his first Medal of Valor. At wars end he was a Master Sergeant.

Serving in the peace time army he grew bored and took to racing motorcycles and jeeps. Because of his distinguished war record he was forgiven numerous infractions. He was a terrifying drill sergeant but the soldiers he trained were prepared as best as the Corp could make them. He had a habit of getting drunk with his troops which made them love him, despite his harshness, but made his superiors hate him. He grew a tendency to piss off his superiors but the pale blue medal on his chest repeatedly saved him from dishonorable discharge.

Serving in Korea he became angry at the commanders of his units, and grew argumentative. Wasteful fighting combined with conflicting orders caused several routine missions to become bloodbaths. After one such mission he was assigned to bodyguard an officer, a major and a chaplain, an Episcopalian priest, Father Martin Boreland. While protecting him they were pinned down in a very dangerous situation. The senior officers were killed and Father Boreland and Master Sergeant Lemkin took over the action, saving the battle and the troops. Both received Medals of Valor for the engagement, for Lemkin, his second.

The Korean War ended his military career. He had a major problem at the end of the war, and was retired honorable, in deference to his Medals of Valor, with full benefits, but only just barely ahead of a court marshal for gross insubordination and assault of a General Officer.

In 1951, during leave, he had returned home to Choan, where he rode motorcycles with several friends. Raising hell, taking names, leaving messy corpses behind.

After the war he returned to Choan and was with the group at its beginning. He was involved in many of the hyjinks that got the club the name of Chaos Riders. He was involved in the early illegal activities as well, and led many operations over the years.

He served as Chapter president from 1957 to 1961, when he was arrested and served 2 years in prison. Moving to Stockton he served as Stockton president from 1964 to 1968. Traveling around, he oversaw the creation of several new chapters in Eugene, Tacoma, and Reno.

Arrested for attempted murder in 1971 in Billings, Montana, he was sent to the Montana State Prison at Deer Lodge. There he met the prison chaplain, the same Father Boreland he had served with in Korea. He was assigned to help Father Borland. The two became very close and in the 4 years he was in prison Shemp Lemkin became a man of god.

Leaving prison in 1975 he entered the seminary to study theology upon the recommendation of Father Boreland. Accepted, despite his advanced age, he learned well and fast.. He graduated in 1979 and was ordained a priest of the Episcopal Diocese of Montana. He served there for 4 years. In 1985 he returned home to Choan, surprising the Riders by his conversion and his faith. His history with the group and his connections throughout the gang has made him welcome everywhere he goes. He preaches peace, encouraging the gang to seek legal ways of making a living and disparaging the violence of the group.

He hangs out at the Choan Episcopal Church, in an unofficial position, where he occasionally preaches. He also preaches peace in evangelical revival church. He is passionate and funny. He hates authority, even the authority of his church.

He can still kick ass, even at 70, having led an active life, but prefers to try and lead his flock to peaceful pursuits. He seems to never lack for money, which he winks at if asked. Old timers know he must have a stash someplace. He carries a pair of cross-draw Python .357, a 32cal 2 shot Derringer, and a walking stick. On his bike he has a well hidden pair of double barreled shotguns, an Ingram Mac 10, and a colt P89. Oddly enough he also has 20 vials of holy water, easy at hand. He seems paranoid about Vampires and has gotten into trouble for beating up Goths.

He seems to have no possessions other than his BMW trike and what’s stuffed in its voluminous saddlbags and packing places. The bike is a fully dressed trike, with a wide range of custom features. He takes some crap for his bike choice but he laughs it off saying he is too old to have his balls bounced as if they were in a pinball machine.

From a game stand point Father Shemp can do many things. He tries to be the voice of reason if something is going down. He will try to convince players to find a peaceful solution. If shit goes down and he is there, he will chip in and kick ass. He will defend the chapter house and diligently try and save club relics. He will not cooperate with the police. He will, however, talk to police, trying to convince them that nothing is happening. As a priest they tend to believe him. Its hard to predict what he will be involved with but he tries to keep his hands clean.