Last Emperor: General conversion

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This is a the Last Emperor guide to converting D20 Dragonstar characters to the NWoD/Storytelling/Mage system used for the new game.

The characters converted for our game were 9th level, reflecting a high level of experience, and thus many dots for attributes, skills, and merits. If starting a new character, I would suggest starting characters start with 25-35 xp (Seasoned character p. 35 WoD)


D20 Attribute ST Attribute(s)
Strength Strength
Dexterity Dexterity or Wits
Consititution Stamina or Resovle
Intelligence Intelligence
Wisdom Composure or Resovle
Charisma Presence or Manipulation

D20 uses six attibutes (Strength, Dexterity, Consitiution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma) where Storytelling uses nine (Strength, Dexterity, Staminia, Intelligence, Wits, Resolve, Presence, Manipulation, and Composure). This means the mapping is uneven, and the player is allowed to decide where the odd point go to reflect their character.

It is imporant that the players understand how each of the ST attributes are used to best reflect their character. It's also important to note that if the character has spent significant skill points or class features on a specific area (e.g. crafting or knowledge skills) that they may increase the ST attributes beyond their exact mapping rather than spend huge on their skills.

D20 attribute score ST Bonus dots
1 - 8 0
9 - 11 1
12 - 14 2
15 - 17 3
18 - 20 4
21 - 23 5

An example: One of the characters has Str: 12, Dex: 10, Con: 14, Int: 16, Wis: 10, Cha: 9. Converting the obvious ones first: Str: 12 becomes Strength: *** (3), and Int:16 becomes Intelligence: **** (4). Dex: 10 is one point, so we keep the Dexterity: ** (2) and Wits: * (1). Con: 14 is 2 points to distribute between Stamina and Resolve, so we create Stamina: ** (2) and Resolve: ** (2). Wis: 10 is 1 point for Composure and Resolve. In this case since we already have points for Resolve we can assign all points to raising Compsure. We are now Resolve: ** (2) and Composure: ** (2). Cha: 9 is one point to add to either Presence or Manipulation, so select Manipulation: Presence: * (1) and Manipulation: ** (2)

Another modifier for the ST Attributes is the character saving throws. D20 has three saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, Will), each of which is given a bonus as the character advances. D20 has three categories of save (good, moderate and poor). If the character's base save for one of the three saves equals or exceeds 2/3 of their character level (meaning they've selected a class or classes with moderate or better saves), allow adding one point to either ability reflected in the saving throw. From the Other mechanics page, Fortitude saves are Stamina + Resolve, Relex Saves are Dexterity + Wits, and Will saves are Composure + Resolve.

From our example above, our character has a Will save of 6, and adding a point to either Composure or Resolve. In this case we add a point to Resolve, making it Resolve: *** (3)

In the Storytelling system the player can assign 5/4/3 extra dots at character creation to their character. Using the above system may not produce exactly that result. If the player rolled well (better than the above) they may well have more attribute points. If they rolled poorly, they will have fewer.

D20 also has a point buy system for attributes, where you get either 25 (for a basic character) or 28 (for a tougher) character to purchase attributes. If you used either of these systems your ST attributes should come out at or above the starting ST attributes.


See the Skills conversion page

Class Features and Feats

Racial features, Class features and feat selections are part of the Merits list. Many of the feats and class features have been converted with exact names, so selecting the existing abilities should be straight forward.

Final Notes

Like many conversions, this is not completely an exact formula. In addition the two game system emphasize different aspects of the game. Things like racial abilities which are given away for "free" in D20 can cost significant points in ST.