Niadra Gaelli
A PC in the game STA_Beta_Testing
Lt. Commander Niadra Gaelli
(pronounced Nye-AH-druh GAY-lee)

- Species: Orion
- Environment: Mining Colony
- Upbringing: Leadership
- Rank: Lt. Commander
- Assignment: Executive Officer
- Gender: Cis Female
- Pronouns: She/Her
- Nickname: Nia (NYE-ah)
General Theme: Crisis Manager
- Come Together: When inserting herself into a volatile situation, step up or double Command to take charge and impose order. (Tough but Fair)
- Rules Lawyer: Double Insight once per scene when trying to thread effective action through Federation law, regulation or protocol. (Tough but Fair)
- Been There, Done That: If something goes wrong aboard ship, spend 1 PP to double Engineering to know where to look, who's responsible, and how to approach them. (Social Engineer XO)
- Hinder: Step down a Distinction from
for a Plot Point.
Vital Statistics
- Age: 26
- Height: 6'1"/185 cm
- Weight: 150#/68 kg
- Eyes: Green
- Hair: Green (Dyed Brown)
- Complexion: Pale Blue-Green
Description and Carriage
Tall and graceful, Nia has bold features set into pale blue-green, almost watery, skin. She puts significant effort into tamping down the "hot Orion girl" cliche because the plain fact is that she looks every inch the part: filling her Federation uniform nicely; preferring a short skirt and bare legs to the standard long pants, and; pushing regulations to their utmost limits by letting her russet brown hair tumble around her face and down her back to her shoulders.
Her demeanor, however, is all business. She's focused, she's done her homework, she's drilled the necessary procedures, and she runs strictly by the book. Her climb up to leadership has left her with more practical knowledge of her ship, its crew, and its workings than most captains have. She still enjoys hedonism, but strictly on shore leave. Once free, she burned her dancing clothes to leave that life behind.
She can't produce the infamous pheromones.
Niadra had been sold into slavery early. She commanded a steep price, and became the prize possession of a Romulan mining baron who kept many more in slavery on a remote colony in the Neutral Zone. She had made it most of the way through organizing an insurrection when they were all liberated by the Federation, which she joined in gratitude. While she suffered more than her share of discrimination in Starfleet, the thing that kept her going was the promise that people were subject to laws and policies and procedures, and she could use them against the worst of the bullies. The system wasn't perfect, sure, but it beat tyranny. It gave the young Orion a taste of a completely different kind of power: knowing, and enforcing, the rules.
She found she had a knack for Engineering at Starfleet Academy, and it was the commission she got instead of leadership, so she has years of experience with shipboard engineering by now, including a certain number of the "what the blazes is that" encounters that are part of life in Starfleet. But her focus has always been more "what the blazes is that doing to the ship and how do we counter and repair it?"
Stuck below decks after graduation, young Niadra formed a plan. She didn't need rank to lead. That was a skill she'd learned among the slaves. Ranks followed accomplishments, and all she needed was to make sure the right people saw her leading. She knew exactly who they were. And now, after years, here she was. Granted, it was a commission out in the middle of the unknown, but she was finally a senior officer.