Charlie Coglin
Charlie Coglin :: Cog Whisperer
Ancestry :: Duster
Racial Features: Outsider, Environmental Resistance (Dust), Attribute Increase (Smarts), Adaptable
Agility || Smarts || Spirit || Strength || Vigor
Derived Stats
Pace || Parry || Size || Toughness ()
Core Skills
Athletics || Common Knowledge || Notice || Persuasion || Stealth || Piloting/Boating
Other Skills
Fighting || Shooting || Repair || Focus || Gambling
Curious - Major - The character wants to know about everything. For Charlie, this mostly rears its head when dealing with new technologies or mechanisms she hasn't seen.
Quirk: Mechanical Empathy - Minor - Charlie has always found it easier to get along with machines over organics, preferring their company most of the time.
Trouble Magnet - Minor - Things never go smoothly for this hero. As a Minor Hindrance, whenever the character rolls a Critical Failure the consequences are subtly worse in some way, as determined by the GM. A pilot doesn't just embarrass herself when docking the ship at the spaceport—she bumps into the local syndicate boss's prized pleasure yacht. A Critical Failure with an energy weapon hits herself with a raise.
Edges and Powers
- Arcane Background (Gifted)
- The character has innate abilities that don’t fit into the usual tropes of magic, miracles, or psionics. Their powers may be low-level super powers, divine gifts, or even alien abilities, and are often very unusual or unique for their setting.
- Mrs. Fix It
- +2 to Repair rolls, half the time required with a raise.
- Armor Weight:
- Weaponry Weight:
- Gear Weight: