Charlie Coglin
Charlie Coglin :: Cog Whisperer
Ancestry :: Duster
Racial Features: Outsider, Environmental Resistance (Dust), Attribute Increase (Spirit), Adaptable
Agility || Smarts
|| Spirit
|| Strength
|| Vigor
Derived Stats
Pace || Parry
|| Size
|| Toughness
Core Skills
Athletics || Common Knowledge
|| Notice
|| Persuasion
|| Stealth
|| Piloting/Boating
Other Skills
Fighting || Focus
|| Repair
|| Science
Curious - Major - The character wants to know about everything. For Charlie, this mostly rears its head when dealing with new technologies or mechanisms she hasn't seen.
Quirk: Mechanical Empathy - Minor - Charlie has always found it easier to get along with machines over organics, preferring their company most of the time. Additionally, she personifies machines, taking it personally when they're poorly maintained or damaged unnecessarily.
Trouble Magnet - Minor - Things never go smoothly for this hero. As a Minor Hindrance, whenever the character rolls a Critical Failure the consequences are subtly worse in some way, as determined by the GM.
Edges and Powers
- Arcane Background (Gifted) (15 pp)
- Power (Healing) Novice | Power Points: 3 | Range: Touch | Duration: Instant
- Trappings: Repairing physical damage
- Power (Bolt) Novice | Power Points: 1 | Range: 16 | Duration: Instant | Damage: 2d6 (3d6 on Raise)
- Trappings: A thrown piece of energetically charged metal or machinery.
- Power (Boost/Lower Trait) Novice | Power Points: 1 | Range: Touch | Duration: 5
- Trappings: Temporary enchantment, Boost Only, Range: Touch,
- Power (Healing) Novice | Power Points: 3 | Range: Touch | Duration: Instant
- Extra Powers Two extra powers
- Companion - Her clockwork companion, Cam.
- Mrs. Fix It +2 to Repair rolls, half the time required with a raise.
- Mrs. Fix It
- Armor Weight:
- Weaponry Weight:
- Gear Weight: