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Cam :: Clockwork Companion


Ancestry :: Construct

Ancestry Features: Quick Recovery, Pain Resistance, Doesn't Breath, Doesn't Eat, Immune to Disease, Immune to Poison, Requires Repair


Agility || Smarts || Spirit || Strength || Vigor || Attribute Cost: 8

Derived Stats

Pace || Parry || Size || Toughness ()


Athletics || Notice + || Stealth || Fighting || Repair + || Skill Cost: 8+2


Quirk: Fungal Fascination (-1) - Minor - Cam is fascinated by plants and small animals, but find mushrooms in all their forms are positively mesmerizing.
Loyal (-1) - Cam is loyal to his friends and allies.

Abilities Edges and Powers

Construct (8)
Quick Recovery - +2 to rolls to recover from Shaken.
Pain Resistance - Ignore 1 point of wound penalties.
Doesn't Breathe -
Immune to Disease -
Immune to Poison -
Requires Repair - Wounds require a Repair roll to fix. Remove one Wound on success, two on a raise. Each attempt takes one hour per current Wound level and ignores the “Golden Hour” rule.
Clockwork (0)
Doesn't Sleep
Dependency - someone needs to rewind its mechanism for about an hour, every day.
Wall Walker (1) - Can walk on walls and ceilings at half Pace.
Additional Action (3) - The Companion has extra limbs and performs multiple actions per turn. Reduce Multi-Action penalties by 2 each turn.





Thick plating (2)


Punch (1) - At least two limbs can deliver punches, dealing Str+d4 damage. Can be used with Two-Fisted, Martial Artists, and Bruiser Edges.


Toolkit nestled inside chassis.


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