Ludus Vexas Avaxala

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Ludus Areas

  • A: Running Paths.
  • B: Front Entrance. This as for wagons as well as foot traffic. It can be closed for defensive purposes.
  • C: Rear Entrance.
  • D: Main Training Fields.
  • E: Stables.
  • F: Tropeaum. This is the museum of of the Ludus. It contains retired harnesses, weaponry, portraits,. It has refreshments kiosks. There is lots of seating for contemplation. Tyros are taught to know their history by studying items in the museum. The Tropeaum is also a powerful defensive structure. Arbelests, catapults, and other display items are placed for defensive use.
  • G: Barracks: each building can hose 40 tyros of different levels. Each Barack have a lavatory and a kitchen. Each Barack has 8 cubicle roooms for four gladiators, and for single rooms for senior tyros.
  • H: Bath House. The bath house has several areas for water activity. Hot and cold pools. It has exercise and massage areas.
  • I: Commander's Residence. This Ares has four suites. One suite is always ready for Vel or Avaxala.
  • J: Storage.
  • K: Smithy
  • L: Armory
  • M: Pattern of Amber. The arrival of the Pattern was a big surprise to everyone!!!
  • N: Relaxation Garden. A garden area for tyros to practice gardening
  • O: Formal Entrance: a the front door and arrival foyer.
  • P: Tavern: A place for tyros rest and relax. Interior limit of 140
  • Q: Meeting Hall: A grand room able to hold 200.
  • R: Class Rooms: A dozen rooms for lectures
  • S: Secondary Training areas. Training areas
  • T: Defenestration Pit. A punishment detail. A,person is lowered to the bottom of the pit. Told to dig 1,2,3 or 5 Feet at the bottom. Current depth 58 feet.

Pattern of Amber

With the destruction of the final heart of Xolotl broke a wide range of magical bindings. One of them involved the location of the Pattern in the realm of Vek Hendrake. The pattern was released and it chose to move to the realm Alvah of Amber loved most.

Commanders & Members

Lord Vek Hendrake

Lady Alvah of Amber or Lady Avaxala of Azcala

Countess Untarra of Zictla

Tulcar of Angr Ri

Raxtalro of Ang Ri
