Rob Conway
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Technical 3/Savvy 2/Aerial 1
Attitude: Heel; Height & Weight: 6'02" 230 lbs; Weight Class: Heavyweight; Lift DC: 11; Reputation: +4; Abilities: Str 12 (+1), Dex 13 (+1), Con 14 (+2), Int 15 (+2), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 15 (+2); Endurance: 84; Trauma: 14; Base Attack Bonus: +4; Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7; Will +4; Training Background: Mat wrestling (Concentrate & Perform Promo)
Skills: Balance +4 Bluff +9 Concentrate +8 Diplomacy +11 Intimidate +9 Jump +4 Know Savvy +7 Perform Promo +9 Perform Vignette +5 Sense Motive +6 Sleight of Hand +8
Maneuver Proficiency (Simple, Technical, Savvy, Aerial, Power); Cheap Shot Artist; Chain Wrestling (Technical); Great Fortitude; Heat Machine; Maneuver Focus (Technical); Tag Team Specialist
Talents: Mat Technician; The Mood’s About to Change; Ring Smarts; Trigger Reflexes
Finishing Maneuver: Ego Trip (Technical, 2d6, 1 Endurance cost, prone self, immediate pin) (0)