Big Damned Heroes: Captain Nat

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Nadezhda Moroz[edit]

Character Quote[edit]

Attributes d4[edit]


Big Damned Hero SFX: Once per scene, step up or double an Attribute. 1s and 2s count as hitches.

d6 d8 d10 d12

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Roles d6[edit]


  • Listen up!! d6


  • Entertaining d8
  • Leadership d8






d6 d8 d10 d12

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Distinctions d8[edit]

Big Personality - You know how to catch someone's eye, talk their ear off, and generally be entertaining and/or distracting when the moment calls for it. Or when the moment doesn't call for it.

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
Lightning Rod for Trouble: When a Crewmember in the same scene as you acquires a Complication, spend 1 PP to take it away and step it back.

Civilian Spacefarer - No military experience, no side in the War. Just a long run in the Black, a way with folks, and a few close scrapes to pad your resumé. And a sight more book-learning than most folks out on the fringe, more than you usually let on.

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a

Might-Have-Been Rockstar - At one point, you were touring, partying, living large. It didn't work out, but you still have a mighty big personality, and some folks might even remember you.

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
Captain Nemo at his Organ: Music soothes the savage beast. When you put aside time to re-center yourself with a musical performance, spend 1 PP to step back a psychological or intellectual based complication (yours or another crew member who hears the performance).

d6 d8 d10 d12

Signature Assets[edit]

Mighty Fine Wardrobe d6 - From slums to soirees, to fit in or stand out, Nat is equipped to dress the part and send the message she wants.


Nadezhda, 'Nat' for short, first left Londinium for the Black on tour with her band, "Shooting Starlight", with dreams of interplanetary stardom. They did enjoy some touring success, but mostly on the frontier worlds where folks were desperate for any sort of entertainment. The band didn't really go anywhere, and they broke up over a terminal case of conflicting egos*. Nat didn't want to go back to planetbound life, performing at dive bars and birthday parties for the rest of her life if she was lucky. She managed to line up a job on a cruise yacht instead. Look, waiting tables and doing party sets in space was way better. *Lizzie Hua, the band's former backup singer and second guitar, did have one chart-topping single with her next band, and has charted several times since. Nat will admit now that she was a dumb prima donna back in the day, but she was sore about it for a long time.

Of course, the War sent the interplanetary cruise industry into lurching freefall, but she'd been in the Black a few years and managed to get a feel for the life. After spending a spell working planetside bars on Persephone, she talked her way onto the crew of a roving freighter as negotiator and cook. Okay, mostly cook at first, but she proved her worth to the crew soon enough. She hadn't expected to be pulling jobs for Browncoat sympathizers as much as Unificationists, but work was work, and it beat getting pressed fully into the merchant marine of either side.

When Captain Myers decided to retire a few years after the War, she went from First Mate to grounded on Persephone again. The chance to have her own ship, well, that was too good to pass up...

Bound by Law[edit]

The authorities are looking for you. They just want to talk. Promise. What do they think you are guilty of? Did you do what they think you did?
"Look, I thought we were just hauling something fun, like E2 or Buzz. Not... whatever nightmare chemist's super special opioid that was. And we dumped it after Jackie cracked open a box to sneak a little and melted his gorram brain. No I can't prove that, especially since the creeps that paid us in advance dropped right off the radar instead of coming after us. For all I know, it's some freaky military experiment that they want to cover up or something."

Friends in Low Places[edit]

You know a guy. Who are they? Describe a GMC your character knows well enough to call on for the occasional favor. This contact is a purely narrative asset with no die ranking.

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