Krystal SR

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Ancestry :: Duster

Ancestry Features: Outsider, Environmental Resistance (Dust), Attribute Increase (Strength), Adaptable


Agility D6a.png || Smarts D6a.png || Spirit D6a.png || Strength D8a.png || Vigor D6a.png || Wealth D6a.png

Derived Stats

Pace D6a.png || Parry D6a.png || Size D1b.png || Toughness D6a.png

Core Skills

Athletics D6a.png || Common Knowledge D6a.png || Notice D6a.png || Persuasion D4a.png || Stealth D4a.png || Piloting/Boating D4a.png

Other Skills

Fighting D8a.png || Focus D6a.png || Repair D6a.png || Survival D6a.png ||Intimidation D8a.png


Outsider - Minor - Dusters appear human on the surface - mostly - but settled folk can sense something is off with them. Persuasion rolls are made at -2 vs non-Dusters.
Enemy Malorie Karte - Minor - Before Krystal found the Black Sheep, she met Malorie. Glamourous, Proud, and entirely too toxic. Krystal left her for the Black Sheep, and Malorie hasn't forgiven.
Driven (Find her place) - Minor - Krystal has trouble accepting anywhere - even the Black Sheep - as home. She's restless and constantly looking at the horizon, trying to find a way to 'earn' her place on the ship.
Heroic - Minor - Krystal hates bullies and bad situations, and will dive in to help whenever the option is there, especially if there's a pretty girl involved.

Edges and Powers

Arcane Background (Gifted) (15 pp)
Smite Novice | Power Points: 2 | Range: 6 | Duration: 5 For duration, weapon damage is increased by 2, 4 for a raise.
Trappings: Her Hammer takes on a kind of 'anti-glow', looking like black energy surrounds the head.
Mighty Blow Novice - If your action card is a Joker, double the damage of your first successful Fighting attack this round.
Trademark Weapon (Apprentice Hammer) - Krystal knows the hammer so well she gets +1 Fighting (Attack) and +1 Parry when using it.

Special Abilities

Environmental Resistance (Dust) - Dusters get +4 to resist the negative effects of Dust that plagues the badlands.
Languages Known - Trade Tongue, ~Ting, ~Pidgin


Brawny - +1 Size, D10 Strength for purposes of Encumbrance and wielding weapons.



Light summer clothes and a Smith's apron | Armour 1 | Weight 5


Apprentice Hammer (Using Heavy Club Stats) | Damage Str + d6 | Min Str D6 | Weight 5



Charcoal Pencil
Pad of Sketching paper
Heavy leather belt
Heavy leather boots, steel-toed


5 pounds of steel (various alloys)
Fist sized nugget of flint


Krystal was already apprenticed as a smith when she got hit with some random Dust that was where it shouldn't be. She was rather quickly pushed (if not quite in that definitive a motion) out of the circle of normal people, and took up with the Black Sheep looking for a place to belong. She's not entirely sure what she brings to the ship, other than someone to help move cargo and look tough, but she stays.