Winston Sheffield-Hayes

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Name: Winston Sheffield-Hayes
Age: 25 years
Gender Identity: Cisgender male
Appearance and Demeanor: Winston is a fair-skinned, dark-haired young man, who generally dresses as fashionably as possible—though he certainly put on work clothes when the circumstances warrant, such as repairing an airship, prospecting for rare minerals, etc. He is generally quiet and soft-spoken though confident in manner. If you get him talking about one of his two passions—science and airships—he can become quite animated though. Despite striking out on his own and giving up his affluent life, he still thinks of himself as a proper gentleman and tries to act the part, in clothing, manners, and morals.



  • Adaptable: +1 Edge: Scholar
  • Attribute Increase: Smarts starts at 1d6
  • Edge: Environmental Resistance
  • Hindrance: Outsiders


Agility: 1d8
Smarts: 1d8
Spirit: 1d6
Strength: 1d6
Vigor: 1d6


Academics (Smarts): 1d6
Athletics (Agility): 1d4
Battle (Smarts): 1d4-2
Common Knowledge (Smarts): 1d4
Fighting (Agility): 1d4-2
Gambling (Smarts): 1d4-2
Healing (Smarts): 1d4-2
Intimidation (Spirit) + Mild-Mannered: 1d4-4
Notice (Smarts) + Alertness: 1d8+2
Performance (Spirits): 1d4-2
Persuasion (Spirit) 1d4
Piloting (Agility): 1d8
Repair (Smarts): 1d6
Research (Smarts): 1d8
Riding (Agility): 1d4-2
Science (Smarts) + Scholar: 1d8+2
Shooting (Agility): 1d4
Stealth (Agility): 1d4
Survival (Smarts): 1d4-2
Taunt (Smarts): 1d4-2
Thievery (Agility): 1d4-2

Derived Stats[edit]

Pace: 6
Parry: 2
Size: 0
Toughness: 8


Cautious (Minor)
Code of Honor (Major)
Mild Mannered (Minor): Intimidation -2
Outsider: Persuasion -2 vs. non-Dusters

+1 Attribute Point
+1 Edge: Ace


  • Ace: Ignore 2 points of penalties to Piloting rolls. Use Bennies to soak damage for vehicles they’re Piloting.
  • Alertness: +2 Notice
  • Environmental Resistance: +4 vs. Dust
  • Scholar: Science +2


1. Edge: Alertness


Combat Gear

  • Jacket: +1 Armor
  • Pistol, Smith & Wesson: Range: 12/24/48, Damage: 2d6+1, Armor Piercing: 1, Rate of Fire: 1, Shots: 6

General Gear

  • Binoculars
  • Camera, regular
  • Tool kit (both for airship repairs and scientific exploration)


Winston grew up in Jackdaw City, the scion of a wealthy family. From a young age, he was fascinated with science and exploration. He would often take daytrips beyond the city limits to explore the surrounding desert—and one such time got caught in a Dust storm and was transformed into a Duster. His parents—Jeffrey and Lydia—had stern words for him that day and tried to reign him in, but there was little they could do to dull his interest in science and exploration. His parents wanted him to be something respectable like a priest, physician, or lawyer—something that might offset the unease he created among others because of his transformation into a Duster. When he insisted on becoming a scientist anyway, Jeffrey and Lydia refused to let him use any of the family fortune to support his travels. Winston tried getting independent funding but didn't have enough of a reputation in the scientific field to do so. However, he had also had a longstanding passion for airships and avidly participated in the airship races common among the upper class of Jackdaw City. He is now using his skills as an airship pilot to support himself while he explores in hopes of making a name for himself. His family is rather disappointed in him but they haven't done anything drastic like disown him.