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Jacob Van Rijn aka Nonstop


Str (12)

Sta 12

Agl 8

Dex 0

Fgt 0

Int 0

Awa 8

Pre 1


Parry +8

Dodge +8

Tou +12

Fort +12

Wil +8


Acrobatics +9

Close Combat (Unarmed) +8

Expertise (Animals) +4

Persuasion +6

Technology +1

Treatment +1

Investigation +7


Luck 3


Fast Grab



Primal Toughness[edit]

Immunity 6 (Drowning, Poison, Disease, Cold, Heat, Pressure), Regeneration 1

Talk to All the Animals[edit]

Comprehend 4 (Talk to and Understand Animals and all languages)

Animal Senses[edit]

Senses 15 (Extended Sight, Acute Smell, Darkvision, Danger Sense, Tracking Smell, Direction Sense, Ultra-Hearing, Accurate Hearing, Radius Ranged Accurate Acute Detect Current)


Speed 5, Alternate Effects 3 (Leaping 5, Swimming 5, Burrowing 5)

==Primal Might:

Enhanced Strength 12

  • AE: Venom Strike: Weaken 12 (Broad-- Abilities)
  • AE: Electroshock: Damage 12, Alternate Save (Fortitude)
  • AE: Sonic Blast: Affliction 10 (Fort-Based, Dazed/Stunned/Unconscious), Area (Cone)



Responsibility. Darned shame to not use the powers he's got.


Secret identity, and an extra layer for wanting to hide kinship with John Stanley the Jungle King.


With family (mother and younger half-sister)


Evila "Eve" Van Rijn, mother. Genetics researcher, also daughter of mad scientist Manfred Van Rijn, deceased. Former assistant to her father; former lover of John Stanley the Jungle King, but ultimately couldn't deal with him, his self-aggrandizement or his struggles with fidelity.

Kate Van Rijn, younger sister, 10 years old. After disappointments with the men in her life, Eve Van Rijn decided that enough was enough, and genetically engineered a daughter to her own specifications. Kate is a genius, athletic, and in perfect health, but doesn't have actual superpowers. She's surprisingly close to her big brother, and often attempts to give him advice in matters academic, superheroic and romantic, the last despite her utter lack of experience and possibly interest.

John Stanley the Jungle King. Semi-retired superhero and celebrity, the Jungle King was an explorer and naturalist who gained animal powers after facing off with Dr. Manfred Van Rijn. He's been linked to at least 8 romantic partners over the years and is still single; it is possible that he has more children than Jake.