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Gender: Female

Height: 6’3”

Weight: 250 lbs


Strength: 4

Stamina: 4

Agility: 6

Dexterity: 3

Fighting: 12

Intellect: 1

Awareness: 4

Presence: −1


Agile Feint: Feint using Acrobatics skill

All-out Attack: Trade active defence for attack bonus

Assessment: Use Insight to check an opponent’s combat capabilities

Defensive Attack: Trade attack for active defence bonus

Defensive Roll 4: +4 active defence bonus to Toughness

Evasion 2: +5 bonus to avoid area effects

Fast Grab: Make a free grab check after an unarmed attack

Great Endurance: +5 bonus to checks involving endurance

Improved Grab: Make grab attacks with one arm. Not vulnerable while grabbing

Improved Hold: −5 penalty to escape her holds

Improved Initiative: +4 bonus to initiative checks

Improved Trip: No penalty for the trip action

Power Attack: Trade attack bonus for effect bonus

Set-up: Transfer the benefit of an interaction skill to an ally

Takedown: Free extra attack after incapacitating a minion


Acrobatics 8 (+14)

Athletics 10 (+14)

Insight 8 (+12) [Assessment Only]

Perception 4 (+8)

Stealth 4 (+10)

Technology 4 (+5)

Treatment 2 (+3)

Vehicles 4 (+8)


Heavyweight Blows: Strength-based Damage 4

Iron Grip: Enhanced Strength 3: Limited to Grabs

Principles of Violence: Array (8 points)

Strike! Strike! Strike!: Multiattack 8 on Strength Damage
   • Sudden Breakdown: Weaken Toughness 8 (vs Fortitude): Affects Only Objects, Linked to Strength Damage
   • Wounded Pride: Cumulative Affliction 8 (vs Will; Impaired/Disabled): Limited Degree, Linked to Strength Damage

Get Out of Dodge: Speed 2 (8 mph)

A Nose for Trouble: Senses 3 (Acute 2 [olfactory], Danger Sense [olfactory])

Measure Them Up: Enhanced Insight 8: Limited to Assessment

Stubborn as a Mule: Immunity 5 (interaction effects)


Dodge: 12

Parry: 12

Fortitude: 10

Toughness: 8 (4 without Defensive Roll)

Will: 10


Abilities: 66

Powers: 29

Advantages: 19

Skills: 18

Defences: 18

Total: 150



After first experiencing the multiverse, Jonah can accept practically anything she hears as being true.


Jonah still remembers what Jungle King and Scudamore did for her, and she'll always look out for them.

Socially Inept

Growing up fighting killer robots has done a number on Jonah's social skills, and she frequently says the wrong thing.

Violent Temper

Her whole life, violence was the appropriate response for nearly any situation. She desperately needs to unlearn this.


By the time Jonah was born, nobody could rightly say how the machines had attained sentience, let alone why they decided to turn against us. That was all academic, and the young girl grew up in a world where there was no time for questions like that. She watched her friends and family die in front of her, but through it all she managed to escape each time, to fight off the attackers. Many people around the world did, but over time their number declined until she was the only one remaining.

Out of some technological alchemy, through the fires of combat she had been forged into a true warrior. But that was doing her no good, and she didn't have long left when help arrived. The famed hero Jungle King stumbled upon her Earth in one of his escapades, along with the hyaenodon genius Scudamore. Together, the three rallied and figured out a way to escape this world (truth be told, Jonah mostly punched robots and left the figuring out to these two) and bring Jonah to their home dimension.

Adjusting to a world where humans lived and thrived was a culture shock for Jonah. She took a few jobs, but was invariably fired after she made some blunder or offended the wrong person. Her stint as a security guard for the Unnature Reserve is still spoken of fearfully by researchers who remember her breaking up a fight by hospitalising both combatants.

At the end of her rope, Jonah was approached by a group named Sideways, who promised her a role that would let her put her talents to good use, and help people while doing so. Feeling lost and adrift in a world much less violent than what she's used to, Jonah happily accepted, taking the codename Survivor and preparing for her first mission into the unknown.