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Hot House Report
Flash Instruction from X-COM HQ
Receipt: All X-COM operational Facilities
Priority: Green
Response Req Y/N: N
Following initial interrogation of alien prisoners, the following requirements are in place
a) Alien prisoners are now to be considered POWs following capture
b) Summary executions are forbidden on captured hostiles, unless their nature posses an eminent threat to civilians or X-COM operations
c) Captured aliens should be subject to initial interrogation at primary base of capturing unit, unless scientific team not present.
d) Following initial interrogation, all captured aliens will be transferred to Project Hot House in the Sahara for long term confinement and intelligence extraction

Jana Guiteriez Debriefing
Jana Guiteriez has been debriefed and analyzed by X-INT and the research staff.

Her story is as follows: She spent an indeterminate amount of time after he abduction being studied and experimented on by the Sectoids. When experiments weren't ongoing, she was placed in a pod, possibly some form of stasis, that kept her unconcious for periods of time she couldn't tell. She was opened up several times, and organs extracted and replaced.

Medical analysis confirms the signs of surgery, albeit with no scars that scalpels or lasers would make. However, alien technology has been detected on several of her internal organs, some form of crystalline computer chip that matches what we found in the alien computers. We currently do not believe that there is any tracking devices, given that the aliens had to use local assets to try to recover her.

She says she was eventually moved into a ship and transported with other abductees to some other location. During that move, the ship came under attack by unknown forces. She remembers hearing sounds of energy weapon fire. Hypnotic regression has shown some humanoid figure, glowing gold, killing a sectoid with some form of energy beam. However, then an explosion knocked her unconscious. When she woke up, she was in the Pacific. She almost drowned, but made it to shore. We currently have diver teams scouring the coast for signs of a crash site, though the potential scale of the territory to cover means finding anything will be a crap shot.

She attempted to contact the authorities when she reached shore, but EXALT operatives were already scouring the area, looking for her and other abductees from the crashed vessel. Fortunately, she managed to evade them long enough for us to locate her.

She's currently being kept for analysis at Area 51. Assuming she clears further checks, and we are able to extract the alien technology from her body, we've proposed adding her to our forthcoming media team.