Wyrmrider: The Icons

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The Ancient Mist

Older than Night or Day, the Ancient Mist is known to have the power to obscure both and to sink into the hearts and souls of any too long caught in her presence. Her secrets predate time and creation, and het motives are as obscure as the fen blanketed in fog.

The Lady

Lithe and young, the Lady is depicted as a young girl clad in a dark cloak with her long blonde hair flowing free behind her and deep, dark eyes. If one looks closely, it is said the twinkling stars can be seen in the depths of her cloak and her eyes.

The only Icon with a name, Marwolaeth, the Lady bears a pair of bone daggers, stained a deep red along the blades, and Death is her domain.

The Never

Depicted as a shadowy lad in cloak and slippers of stealth and secrets, the Never exists both within and without the bounds of time. He bears neither weapon nor scepter, but his hands are said to be colder than the ice in the depths of the Lost Sea and able to reach through flesh and take hold of the heart within a man.

The Raven

Dark as night, the raven swoops in on unseen wings to take that which is unguarded or unloved.

The Smith

Stout and solid, the Smith is a figure in bronze and iron, faceless and massive. The smith is always depicted at his forge and always has a great hammer in his fist.

The Three

As implied by their title, the three have three distinct forms. The first that of a young girl clad in flowers and laughter. The second a stately matron heavy with child clad in the green growth of the forest. And finally the last form that of a withered crone clad in bark and moss.

The Trickster

Depicted as an androgynous figure, the Trickster appears with laughter and riddles and subtle mockery in hopes that the mortals he encounter come away wiser, but often leaves disappointed andbitter for the experience.

The Wanderer

Tall and grey, the Wanderer is depicted as a lanky male figure in traveling clothes burdened under a pack with a gnarled staff to lean on. The wolves and bears and ravens and other creatures of the wild are known to approach him and whisper secrets and news from afar.

The Wyrm

The Wyrm is a transcendent draconic being that appears, not as the wyrms of this age, but as a great, winged dragon out of legend, breathing black fire and clouds of ice.