Wyrmrider: Wyrms

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Dragons as the world once knew them are gone, and the wyrms that inherited their place are - less. Smaller than heir ancestral counterparts and wingless, wyrms fly on the updrafts of raw magic rising from the ruins of the Sprawl.

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The following features apply to all PC's bonded companion wyrms.


Wyrms are long, wingless, and covered in scales with tails twice as long as their bodies (think Chinese style dragon over European).

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Psychic Bond

Each Rider's wyrm is bonded to them, mind to mind. They may communicate over any distance. If the rider calls, the wyrm is there.

A rider always knows where their wyrm is.

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Draconic Ancestry

Every wyrm, depending on ancestry, has a breath weapon that is expelled in a 5' x 30' line: Fire, Cold, Acid, Poison, or Lightning. On a failed DEX save, creatures within that line take 5d10 damage, or half that on a successful save.

Breath Weapon is available after a short or long rest, and once used recharges on a roll of or

Each Wyrm is immune to damage by the type of damage caused by its breath weapon, and its rider is resistant.

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On its turn, a wyrm may use its breath weapon (see above) or make a melee attack with its bite or its tail (wyrm claws are not suited to attacks).

Bite: +5 to hit; reach 5'; 2d10+2 damage.
Tail Slap: +7 to hit; range 15'; 3d10+3 damage
Natural AC 17 | Max HP 50 | 5d10 HD | Action Surge 1/rest

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  • Speed: Fly 100 | Walk/Climb/Swim 75
  • Language: Wyrms speak and understand draconic. Riders all get Draconic as a free language.
  • Skills: Psychic Bond grants proficiency to the wyrm's rider's Perception rolls while they are within sight of one another. If the rider is already proficient, double their bonus.
  • Saves: STR, DEX, and CON +5; CHA +3
Because of their Psychic Bond, while the rider is riding their wyrm, use the better of their two saves.

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