Rails Through Hell: Lorilae
Lorelae Hallith[edit]
6' (183cm), 128# (58kg), age 97
Tall, pale, and slightly built, with limpid silvery-grey eyes set into her gentle face, finely drawn features, and a tumble of moss-green hair. She wears earth-toned, mushroom-fiber weaves as close to the Iosan style as she could manage: a full, brown cloak over a billowy spring-green dress (or armor, for most of this campaign), and either flower-themed sandals or a sturdy but elegant pair of boots, and matching elbow-length gloves. Her gloves and boots especially bear innumerable stains from handling dirt and plant matter. She is seldom without her staff, tall and ramrod-straight despite not having been worked by hand.
- Race: Iosan
- Class: Druid, Level 5
- AC: 15
- HP: 39
- Move: 30
- Size: M
- Proficiency Bonus: +3
- STR: 10
- DEX: 13 +1
- CON: 12 +1
- INT: 14 +2
- WIS: 20 +5
- CHA: 13 +1 (+1 from background)
- Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
- Skill Proficiency: Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Survival
- Languages: Shyr, Common(?), Druidic
- Essence: Intellect
- Essence Feat: Vigilant: +4 to passive Perception, double proficiency bonus on active checks
- Class Features:
- Circle of the Land:
- Bonus Cantrip (+1 cantrip)
- Natural Recovery (recover 1/2 level in combined spell slots during a short rest, once between long rests)
- Circle Spells (Grasslands)
- Land's Stride: ignore difficult terrain, thorns and spines and similar impediments on plants, and gain advantage on saves vs. plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede movement (e.g., Entangle).
- Wild Shape (preferred form: Raccoon)
- Proficient with Herbalist's Tools
- Hide Armor
- Shield, Wooden
- Quarterstaff, locust wood (Druidic Focus)
- Quarterstaff, Sacred Staff of The Sun Sparrow +2 Undead hit by the staff must succeed on a DC 12 Willpower save or suffer an extra 3d6 Radiant damage. +1 to DC and +1d6 to damage for every 5 full levels of the wielder.
- Scimitar
- Sling
- Bullets, stone, 20 (in Pouch)
- Sickle
- Journal
- Light, bottled
- Waterskin, full
- Ink
- Ink Pen
- Component Pouch
- Backpack
- Mess Kit
- Rations, 7 days
- Waterskin, full
- Bedroll
- Blanket
- Cantrips: 4
- Druidcraft
- Shillelagh
- Produce Flame (2d8 fire damage)
- Mending
- Spells Prepared:
- 1: 4 (+2 circle spells*)
- Healing Word (60' range, 1d4/cast level +4 healed)
- Entangle
- Absorb Energy
- Purify Food and Drink
- Zephyr
- Invisibility*
- Pass Without Trace*
- 2: 3
- Moonbeam (2d10 + 1d10/cast level over 3rd in radiant damage, shape changers revert)
- Barkskin
- 3: 3 (+2 circle spells*)
- Heightened Reflexes
- Absorb Energy
- Wind Wall
- Daylight*
- Haste*