Tod Vander
Tod Vander
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Gender: Male
Race: Revenant
Class: Warlock (Undead)
Level: 5
Age: ??
Description: A skeletal looking figure with loose skin, rotted teeth, and yellowing eyes. He almost always has a disguise self spell going of a middle-aged man with short black hair, green eyes, and a short beard.
Ability Scores
Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity:16 (+3) (15 + 1 Revenant)
Constitution: 12 (+1) (11 + 1 Revenant)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 18 (+4) (15 + 1 Revenant, +1 Telepathic, +1 Actor
AC: 15 (Studded Leather +3 Dex)
HP: 33
Hit Dice: 5d8
Speed: 30'
Proficiency: +3
Melee Attack: +2 (Str) / +6 (Dex) if the weapon has Finesse
Ranged Attack: +6
Spell Attack: +7
Spell Save DC: 15
Initiative Bonus +3
Passive Perception 11
Passive Insight 14
Spell Slots:
Level 3: 2
Cantrips known: 5
Blade Ward
Eldritch Blast
Spells Known: 6
1st Level
Armor of Agathys
2nd Level
Spider Climb
3rd Level
Speak with Dead
Saving Throws
Strength: -1
Dexterity: +3
Constitution: +1
Intelligence: +0
Wisdom: +4 (PR)
Charisma: +7 (PR)
Languages Known
Dwarven Trade Tongue, Elvish
Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, Light Crossbows
Deception +7
Investigation +3
Stealth +9 (Free w/double PR)
Insight +4 (Criminal)
Persuasion +7 (Criminal)
Otherworldly Patron (Undead)
Form of Dread
Pact Magic
Eldritch Invocations
Mask of Many Faces
Devil's Sight
Investment of the Chain Master
Pact of the Chain
43 GP
Holy symbol
Prayer Book
5 Sticks incense
Common Clothes
Staff (Silvered)
Arcane Focus
Explorer's Pack
2x Daggers
Riding Horse (w/tack)
Lt. Crossbow w/20 Bolts
100' Silk Rope
Character Backstory
Scath wanted to become a priestess, and apprenticed herself to a church of the light. Fate, however, had other plans, and while out with her Mistress investigating some unusual phenomena, she was touched by the power of Shadow, such that no healing or curse removal could undo it. Her growth accelerated and her colouring deepened while her hair paled until it looked as thought it was bleached. Though it was no fault of her own, the hierarchy would not let her stay, more so once they learned that she had gained magic from the touch - magic they considered anathema.
Her Mistress disagreed with them, and impressed upon Scath that this merely meant the Goddess had other plans for her. She left her Mistress at least on good terms, and has learned to master her abilities.