John Lee
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John Lee
Character Quote

Big Damned Hero SFX: Once per scene, step up or double an Attribute. 1s and 2s count as hitches.

Fugitive Pilot - Description
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Blue Sun Defector - Description
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Blue Hand Cyborg - Description
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
One with the Machine: Mostly a machine yourself, you know how to get your vehicle to push past mechanical trauma. Create [d6] or use an existing mechanical complication as an asset in an action. Step it up afterwards.
Secrets, Secrets: You learned things when you escaped. Spend a pp to create a d8 scene asset representing a secret you uncovered in your time at Blue Sun (medical formulas, strange technology, system back-door, etc).
Signature Assets
Describe your character here
Bound by Law
- The authorities are looking for you. They just want to talk. Promise. What do they think you are guilty of? Did you do what they think you did?
- The newly rechristened "John" had previously worked for the Blue Sun corporation as a highly proficient duo specializing in high priority assassinations. His literal other half discovered secrets that were best left buried, and he was deemed terminate on sight. Half of him escaped, and now Blue Sun has a contract out on him.
Friends in Low Places
- You know a guy. Who are they? Describe a GMC your character knows well enough to call on for the occasional favor. This contact is a purely narrative asset with no die ranking.