Movement Elemental Dufiros

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Movement Elemental[edit]

Also Known As: Elemental of Movement, Mover Elemental, Mover.

General Comments: "Is it POSSIBLE for you to sit still?"

These Very Rare Elementals can live long lives as Elementals but are often Elevated to Spasa of Motion or Speed once discovered. As a Being of Energy, a Movement Elemental will embody the energy of a long-distance runner in the perfect stride, or a motorcycle perfectly weaving its way through traffic at high speeds, a bee flying back to the hive, a tree being blown about by a heavy wind. As a Physical Being, Movers will usually be the leaders of their Pack if an animal. More intelligent Beings are usually involved in Athletics and Physical Activities and are quite good at any Sport they participate in.

Members of the Hierarchy of Motion

Movement Elemental Powers[edit]

Improved Physical Dexterity, Hand Eye Coordination & Balance
  • Very Unlikely to Trip, Stumble or Fumble.
Very Efficient Movement & Body Movements
  • Little to No Wasted Movements
Nearly Effortless Movement & Body Movements
  • Reduces Muscle Fatigue thereby increasing Stamina
Effective at all Movement-based Activities (Sports).
  • This could include Dodging, Evading, Parrying and Blocking to some degree.
  • This could include Physical Attacks being more Effective and/or Damaging to some degree.
Quick Movement & Body Movements
  • Restraint must be exerted to move more normally
Silent Movement
  • Possible with restraint & concentration
Sense Movement
  • Effectively a Motion Detector but similar to Radar
    • Includes Sensing approximate Distance, Direction, Size and Speed
Alter Movement
  • Speed, Direction, Total Stop, Dexterity (Nimble or Fumble),
Transfer Aspects of Movement
  • ??

    • Dufiro of the same Race using the same Power, can sometimes combine their Efforts to Greater Effect.
      • Personal Effecting Powers normally cannot be Combined.
    • Spasa
      • If the Spasa of Motion or Speed also has Movement Elemental in their Life Path, then their Movement Elemental Powers will be Improved; Duration, Range, Area of Effect, Damage, etc. (generally, more effective/powerful).
      • If the Spasa of Motion or Speed does NOT have Movement Elemental in their Life Path, then Movement Elemental Powers are gained, but only at the Elemental Level of Power, NOT the Improved Level of Power.
    • Avasa
      • If the Avasa of Kinetics or Speed also has Spasa of Motion or Speed in their Life Path, then their Motion or Speed Spasa Powers will be Improved; Duration, Range, Area of Effect, Damage, etc. (generally, more effective/powerful). This also applied to Movement Elemental Powers if Movement Elemental is also in their Life Path.
      • If the Avasa of Kinetics or Speed does NOT have Movement Elemental in their Life Path, then Movement Elemental Powers only Improve to the Spasa Level of Power, NOT the Avasa Level of Power.
      • If the Avasa or Kinetics or Speed does NOT have Movement Elemental OR Spasa of Motion or Speed in their Life Path, then Movement Elemental & Spasa of Motion OR Speed Powers are gained, but at the Base Level for those Powers, i.e. Elemental Powers at Elemental Level, Spasa Powers at Spasa Level.

Race Alliances and Enemies[edit]

Alliances: The Hierarchy of Motion: Movement Elementals, Spasa of Motion & Speed, Avasa of Kinetics & Speed, Masoja of Strength & Time.


Known Members[edit]

RaphaX, The Dog Brothers

Known Affinities[edit]
