Midnight Symbols & Banners

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the Symbol of IZRADOR[edit]

What is Izradors holy symbol? I have heard that the symbol on the top of the books cover is. It's a complicated symbol, not easy to use or make. Since many of his worshippers are orcs the symbol should be simple enough for them to carve.

Most great armies have united behind simple banners throughout history, symbols hold power. Just think of the eye of sauron, hand of Saruman, the eightpointed star of chaos, or real world svastika, five-pointed star, the cross, the crescent moon, the tricolor, the iron cross, the roman eagle or Thor's hammer. All mighty, yet simple symbols.

What I want is a single symbol I can hang on my legates, paint on then shields of the soldier legates, brand, carve and paint on the orcish armies, forge in iron and put on the temples of shadow and so on. For this I need something simple enough for orcs to carve, and something that symbolizes Izradors power, and Im' not going to use the damn mask.

There is a reference somewhere in M2E to the Erunsil believing Izrador "rests his great horned head to the mountainside, listening to the beat of the world", or something like that. I always figured the holy symbol represented on the cover of the book was an overly decorated version of this symbol, much as crusifixes have been made very pretty-looking in the RL church.

Aside from that, for legions I see each having its own symobol. Perhaps a lot of similar ones though, as orcs soldiers probably aren't the most artistic people you'll ever meet.

Two eyes, two horns and two fangs, that is what teh symbol actually is with a lot more detail and embroidering to it, anyone can easily to all those though, pretty close to what it looks like in the cover too.

IZRADOR's Minions[edit]


/0 \ , like an upside down v, with a circle beneath it. Like the sun below the horizon symbol, but with a mountain instead. Also, this works great with "The evil under the mountain" which is the dwarven name. I think I'll be using that one, maybe with a horned skull instead of the circle sometimes. with some people using only the upside down v and some only the skull..

  • a black hand (very cliché, but workable)
  • A thick black circle (darkness devouring the world and whatnot)
  • a filled in black circle (black mirrors)
  • a line, on top of a semicircle curved side up (the darkness of the north, symbolised by a sun beneath the horizon)
  • a point-down triangle with two horizontal bars (simple skull)

Midnight: North & South Portal