Bureau noir: Charlotte Murakami:Glossary
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- Area
The attack affects a wide area and multiple targets. For each Momentum spent, the attack strikes an additional target within the blast’s range, starting with the nearest one to the initial target. If a complication is rolled, the GM may choose to target an ally within the affected area. Each character targeted by an Area attack may attempt separate Defence Reactions, resolving them against a fixed difficulty of Challenging (D2) instead of a face-to-face test.
- Biotech
The attack relies on biological, chemical, or technological means that bypass conventional armour. Damage inflicted by a Biotech attack uses the target’s BTS as persistent soak instead of its Armour.
- Comms
Comms Equipment is susceptible to the System Disruption Breach Effect and can become non-functional if a character’s personal area network is destroyed due to Breaches. Comms Equipment cannot possess the Non-Hackable quality
- Concealed X
The item is easy to hide or is designed to be disguised as something else. Observation tests made to discover the item when it has been hidden or concealed are made at +X difficulty. A character can spend 1 Momentum when using the item to stow it away immediately after use.
- Expert X
When used as part of a successful skill test, the expert system grants the user X bonus Momentum. Expert systems connect to the user’s personal network, automatically have the Comms Equipment quality, and are penalised if the user suffers Breaches.
- Grievous
If a Grievous attack inflicts one or more Harms, it inflicts one additional Harm of the same type.
- Hidden Armour X
The armour is designed to be worn covertly, either under clothing or in plain view but disguised as innocuous items. Observation tests made to notice the armour are made at +X difficulty.
- Improvised X
The item is not designed for the described use, giving it a +X complication range.
- Indiscriminate
An Indiscriminate attack affects one or more zones. Each target within the affected zone—every character, vehicle, and damageable object—suffers the attack’s damage (even if the attacker wasn’t aware of their presence). Each character targeted by an Indiscriminate attack may attempt separate Defence Reactions, resolving them separately against a fixed difficulty of Challenging (D2).
- Kinematica
This armour incorporates primed fast-twitch polymer fibres, allowing the user to dodge and flex incredibly quickly for brief periods, reducing the Heat costs and difficulty of all Acrobatics Defence Reactions by one, to a minimum of 0 and Simple (D0) respectively. After a successful Defence, the user can Withdraw by spending 0 Momentum and may spend 2 Momentum to move to an adjacent zone.
- Knockdown
If one or more Effects are rolled on the damage roll of a Knockdown attack, the target must pass an Acrobatics or Athletics test with a difficulty equal to the number of Effects rolled or be knocked prone.
- MULTI (Light/Medium/Heavy)
MULTI weapons are designed to use multiple forms of ammunition, switching seamlessly between preloaded primary and secondary modes as the situation requires. A character declares which mode (i.e., ammunition type) they’re using when they choose a target to attack. Some MULTI weapons may have multiple secondary modes of fire.
Light MULTI weapons fire any Standard ammo in their primary mode and a specific type of Special ammo in their secondary mode. (If the Special ammo type is not specified, it is DA by default.) The secondary mode has Burst 1, regardless of the weapon’s normal Burst, and the Munition quality.
- Munition
A weapon with this quality (such as rocket launchers, grenade launchers, and flamethrowers) can only use a specific type (or types) of ammunition. A Munition weapon expends a single Reload whenever it is fired, which provides no benefit but counts toward the normal limitations on the number of Reloads spent.
- Non-Lethal
This attack is designed to incapacitate. Any Harms inflicted by a Non-lethal attack are temporary and can be removed by successfully resting (along with the Stress normally removed by resting, see p. 102). Characters cannot die as a result of Nonlethal Harms.
- Parry
This type of attack is exceptionally good at turning aside incoming attacks. A Parry attack grants the wielder +Xd Cover Soak, but only against melee attacks.
- Piercing X
The attack ignores X points of Soak for each effect rolled on its damage roll
- Smoke
Attacks with Smoke create a cloud of gas, nanobots, or other substance that interferes with enemy lines of sight within a target zone. For each Momentum spent when attacking with a Smoke weapon, the attack affects an additional adjacent zone. Observation tests or attacks within, into, or out of affected zones are made at +X difficulty. This penalty decreases by 1 every 1d6 rounds. If the penalty is reduced to 0, the Smoke has been completely dissipated.
- Speculative Fire
The ranged attack can be arced over obstacles, bounced off walls, or otherwise used in an indirect manner to attack hard-to-reach foes. A Speculative Fire attack has −1 difficulty against targets that are detected, but for which there is no direct line of fire. Further, the attacker can take a penalty of +1 difficulty to ignore the target’s Cover Soak entirely.
- Spread
This attack can strike the target across multiple areas. For each Effect generated on the damage roll, the attack inflicts X additional hits at half the first hit’s damage, each separately reduced by Soak. If the attack inflicts physical damage, roll separate hit locations for each additional hit. The weapon is also particularly effective at blasting holes in cover; add up all the damage inflicted from all hits to determine if cover is degraded.
- Stun
If one or more Effects is rolled, the attack inflicts the Staggered condition on the target. This condition lasts for one round per Effect rolled.
- Subtle X
Using this item is particularly quiet and draws little attention. Any Observation test to notice the use of the item increases by +X difficulty. In addition, noisy actions using the item are reduced to sneaky actions; and sneaky actions are reduced to silent actions.
- Thrown
Thrown weapons can be used to make ranged attacks, but use Athletics as the attack skill (instead of Ballistics). Thrown weapons have a range of Close unless specified otherwise. If the Thrown weapon can also be used for melee attacks, those attacks are still resolved normally using the Close Combat skill.
- Toxic X
If the attack inflicts a Harm, the Harm Effect causes the target to suffer 1+XCD (Vicious 1) damage at the end of each turn.
- 'Unforgiving
The attack is either exceptionally precise or capable of inflicting much greater harm on a direct hit. When making an attack that has gained the benefit of an Exploit action, the attack gains Vicious X.
- Vicious X
A Vicious attack inflicts X additional damage for each Effect rolled.