Bureau Noir: Brad:Background
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What does the bald eagle do when buffeted by high winds? That analogy can describe Brad Haller's life. The majority of it was rather privileged, for a citizen of the downfallen United States of America. The Haller family made for themselves a great fortune by hearkening back to the classic Wild West. They ran a cattle ranching business, exploiting the elite of the Human Sphere's demand for rare meats of the Angus, Longhorn, and other breeds, and supplemented it with a Maya series on their work.
Brad didn't excel at wrangling doggies (unless you counted competitive horse riding) - but then the hands helped cover that. Instead, he made a very charming, photogenic young cowboy, and the Hallers used their media contacts to help launch Brad's acting career. He went from success to success, typecast most often in Westerns since he could do his own shooting stunts.
Then, in the wake of the Second Paradiso offensive, another call for volunteers came around, and encouraged by his family in that good patriotic spirit, Brad signed up for the United States Army. Somewhat to his chagrin, his unit ended up assigned to garrison duty in Valkenswijik after basic training. At the end of his tour of duty, his father decided Brad was ready to be brought in on a shattering secret: the Hallers were major players in Manifest Destiny, a government-backed terrorist movement that sought to restore the US of A to its rightful place at the top of the Human Sphere - and claim revenge on PanOceania (who took advantage of America's hard work and protection for several decades then stabbed them in the back).
Shocked and full of mixed feelings, Brad resigned. Then, as he debated what he was going to do with his life now, Bureau Noir came to his door...