D&D 5e: Against the Fathomless
A Planescape Adventure for 5e

Player Characters
- Character Name Played by:
- Character Name Played by:
- Character Name Played by:
- Character Name Played by:
- Character Name Played by:
Chargen Rules
- No Artificers
- The Fathomless are unavailable as Warlock Patrons
- No non-class-related Pets; No Mounts
- PHB Races Only (Tasha's Ability Mods for Ancestry are still an option)
- PHB Backgrounds Only (Tasha's skill/tool/language swaps are still an option)
- We will not be using the Free-Feat house rule for this game.
- Healing potions are not available to purchase as standard gear.
Level: Characters start at L9
Attributes: Generate base attributes via Standard Array [15 14 13 12 10 8] or Customizing Variant [27 pts] (Both on PHB pp13).
Use PHB Ancestry Attribute Modifiers or Tasha's Ancestry Attribute Modifiers as you prefer.
Variant Human is available. Tasha's Custom Lineage is not.
Hit Points: Max HP + Double Con Mod for L1; Average HP + Regular Con Mod for L2 - L9.
Gear: Rather than nickel and diming the process, everyone may start with whatever non-magical/non-special-material armor they prefer (provided they are proficient in said armor), whatever non-magical weapons they want (again, must be proficient), a Holy Symbol or Spell Focus if appropriate, and whatever regular gear you want and can carry.
Wealth Additionally, you have 150 gold remaining after all purchases.
Magic Items
- Amulet of the Planes (Broken/Cursed): Each character bears a piece of this broken amulet and cannot be rid of it. Each piece functions as the amulet described in the DMG with the following limitations:
- Activating one piece activates all the pieces with the result/destination of the original activation.
- Once any piece of the amulet has been activated, no piece may be activated until after the completion of a short or long rest.
- The Mortal Realm (Prime Material Plane) cannot be reached by the broken amulet.
Player's Choice:Choose one Rare or two Uncommon Magic Items from the DMG (no other sources please) with the following limitation: No items that allow levitation or flying.