Amazing Deliveries: Justice Franklin
Justice W. Franklin:: Postal Knight-Errant
Through sun, through dust; through ruin, through blight; through bandits and through darkest night....

|| Physical || Mental
|| Social
Trained Skills 

Untrained Skills 
| Craft | Fly
| Focus
| Labor
| Move
| Operate
| Sneak
| Throw
| Trick
Checked SFX are active.
Distinction - The Mail Goes Through
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
SFX: Nor Gloom of Night: Bull through with sheer determination when failure is not an option. Spend 1 plot point to reroll one die from an already-rolled pool.
Distinction - Keeper of the Old Ways
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
SFX: We Hold These Truths: Stand in defense of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.. Gain 1 plot point when you openly defy oppression or exploitation on behalf of common people.
Distinction - To Serve And Protect
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Signature Assets 

Long-Life Environ Armor This is a rugged set of medium-weight environment gear made of tough heat- and impact-resistant ceramics. It provides a limited self-contained air supply and retractable (albeit fragile) radiator fins to extend the wearer's ability to travel unprotected in the wasteland. The suit's helmet carries the white-on-blue design of the face and beak of the mighty, long-extinct eagle, and the radiator fins, when extended, can resemble wings to a particularly forgiving imagination.
The Widget This is a compact, multi-functional power tool that can assist in a variety of light repairs and other work.
Gender: Cisgender female
Age: 29 years
Justice W. Franklin, Carrier First Class, hails from far west of the Berkshires, beyond even the Great Rust Desert, in the community that arose from the collapse of Cincinnati, Ohio. Among the institutions that gained great influence in the reforged stronghold of "Sinless" was the Service, an order of Deliverers and protectors that helps to bind civilization in that area together, headquartered in the fortress known as "Post Sinless", once the old city's USPS Sort and Distribution Facility. The area has maintained some distorted semblance of the idea that the whole land was once a unified country and people, which they refer to simply as "the Us." Some fragments of culture and civic tradition survive there.
Not only do the Carriers of Post Sinless move communications and vital supplies between the local communities, they also defend it from bandits who would encroach upon the territory. Their ventures out into the wastelands beyond have, very slowly, started to connect the area back together. The Carriers are evangelists, defenders, knights-errant and couriers all in one, readily identifiable in their blue, red-and-white piped environment armor.
Justice herself grew up on tales of the exploits of Carriers from Sinless, as well as what fragmentary stories survived from before the collapse. Her uncle, himself an accomplished Carrier, impressed on her that the job was more than just delivering goods and news, it was to bind together the spirit of the people, sharing tales and songs of the Us and inspiring the people of the land to come together.
After serving with distinction from her teens into her late twenties, was chosen by the Postmaster of Sinless -- the head of the Service, though not the head of the civil government -- for a solemn and hazardous mission to the forgotten East. She carries the very long overdue Census of Sinless to (what they collectively mis-recollect to be) the supreme but long-lost head of the Service: the fabled Postmaster-General of Us.
Justice set out in a small but sturdy cross-country crawler, but it was damaged beyond repair in an altercation with the forces of a group called the Smoke Cult in the western part of the Rust Desert. Rather than abandon her mission, though, she has carried on moving from settlement to settlement on foot, making her way here only after many months of travel and adventure.