The Stone of Skulls

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The Stone of Skulls

Commentary from the Diner's of Amber article[[1]]

The Stone of Skulls is a place where items can be given the chance to be empowered. It is a place where powers can be stolen. It is a crapshoot.

One trumps in 500 miles or more away from where the image seems to indicate. Once there you must seek the stone on a directly northern route, traveling amongst the Gore-Tex clad peasants tilling the field with bicycle wheeled plows under the watchful eyes of the local lord or knight on his manly charger. You must fight a bizarre series of encounters as dangerous as swordmaster bandits, or seas of vicious rabid Hamsters. Rabid elephants are not unknown either. There seem to be a lot of giant things and a lot of rabid things and a lot of ensorcelled things. The GM of this world has a warped sense of humor.

Nonetheless one can certainly die here. Never doubt it. I was laughing so hard at the rabid elephant that charged willy-nilly about knocking over trees and scattering hordes of peasants, that I forgot it was really a rabid elephant and it stuck three feet of tusk through my belly and hurled me 30 feet in the air. Joke-time was over and I melted the beast into a puddle of char and grease before I hit the ground; bleeding and pissed off.

Once you battle the creatures of whimsy either cast by a GM or observed by one, you reach the stone. It is a scene of suitable splendor and the effects it gives can be potent. It is a cheap way to kick a powerful tool up a notch on the power scale. Points of advantage are where you find them and they can be found here.

Once you leave this realm the powers remain.

One last comment. To those who read this, dangling my strings; If it is all right with you, I would like to have a nice peaceful life for awhile and I hope to never meet a rabid elephant ever again.

I mean really. Rabies? Rabid Elephants? That's just mean.

Ok. So I guess the answer was No.

I have gotten in the habit of checking my deck every morning just to be sure no new cards have arrived. I am very busy, at the time of this particular writing, and would have appreciated it if this bloody deck could have gone a while without sprouting new cards.

So this morning what do I find? 5 new cards, and a mystery.

The mystery is that there is a series of number missing between 59 and 66. So down the line 60 to 65 will appear but never forget that 66 arrived with number 56 to 59.