Malachi Rip
Malachi Rip is a Thief played by howareyou in Morwaythien Trails, a Labyrinth Lord PBP campaign currently running on RPGnet.
- Character Creation! Birth of a rascal!
- Condition: healthy, unimpaired
- Hit Points (1d4): 4 / 4
- Armor Class: 8
- Encumbrance: 17 1/2 lbs, unencumbered
- Movement Rate: 120 yards (360 feet) per round
- Light: none
- Name: Malachi Rip
- Alignment Race Gender: Neutral Human Male
- Class Level: Thief 1
- Experience (+10%): 0 / 1250
- Languages: Common
Character Abilities
- Strength: [13] melee to hit +1, damage +1, force doors +1
- Dexterity: [16] AC -2, missile to hit +2, initiative +1
- Constitution: [13] hp +1
- Intelligence: [14] additional languages +1, able to read/write
- Wisdom: [12] save vs magic +0
- Charisma: [8] reaction +1, retainers 3, retainer morale 6
Combat Abilities
- Armor Class: 8
- Hit Points (1d4): 4
- Dagger
- type: melee piercing
- attack: 1d20
- damage (s-m/l): 1d4/1d3
- speed factor: 2
Saving Throws
- Paralyzation, Poison or Death Magic: 14
- Rod, Staff or Wand: 11
- Petrification or Polymorph: 13
- Breath Weapon: 15
- Spell: 12
Saving Throw Modifiers
- Dexterity 16 grants -2 advantage to saves vs fireballs, lightning bolts, crushing boulders, and other attacks where nimbleness is helpful.
- Wisdom 16 grants -2 advantage to saves vs illusions, charms and other mental attacks.
Class Abilities/Traits
Spell Casting
- Highest Spell Level Attainable: 9th
- Chance to Learn Spell: 85%
- a successful Thaumaturgy proficiency check grants +5% to Learn Spell chance.
- a successful Scribe proficiency check grants +5% to any roll needed (eg: Learn Spell check) to copy or transcribe a spell into spell book.
- Maximum # of Spells Known per Level: 18
- Spells Prepared
- Level 1 (1 slot): Sleep
- Spells Known
- Level 1: Color Spray, Detect Magic, Phantasmal Force, Read Magic, Shield, Sleep
Magical Items
- Wielding and Using
- can use potions, rings, wands, rods, scrolls, and most miscellaneous magical items.
- can wield enchanted versions of weapon types the wizard is allowed to use.
- Creating
- level 9 Wizard may attempt to scribe scrolls and brew potions.
- successful Scribe proficiency check grants +5% to any roll needed to copy or transcribe a spell onto a scroll.
- level 11 Wizard may attempt to create other magical items like weapons, wands, staves, rods, rings, bracers, braziers, cloaks, and more.
- a successful Research proficiency check halves the time needed to determine the process necessary to manufacture a particular magical item.
Spell Research
- Researching a New Spell
- Requirements
- access to a Wizard's Laboratory
- good health
- uninterrupted full devotion of time and energy to the research effort
- Costs
- setting up a Wizard's Laboratory: 1,000-10,000 gp
- research expenditure: 100-1,000 gp per spell level
- Time Needed
- roll a Learn Spell check at end of every 2 weeks spent in research.
- a successful Thaumaturgy proficiency check grants +5% to Learn Spell chance.
- a successful Research proficiency check grants +5% to Learn Spell chance.
- a successful Research proficiency check halves the time needed, ie: roll a Learn Spell check at end of every 1 week.
- Requirements
- Researching from a Scroll ie: attempting to learn a spell from a scroll or spellbook and copy it into own spellbook
- Requirements
- access to a quiet place free from disturbance and interruptions
- good health
- uninterrupted full devotion of time and energy to the research effort
- Costs
- research expenditure: 50-500 gp per spell level
- Time Needed
- roll a Learn Spell check at end of every 1 week spent in research.
- a successful Scribe proficiency check grants +5% to any roll needed (eg: Learn Spell check) to copy or transcribe a spell into spell book.
- a successful Thaumaturgy proficiency check grants +5% to Learn Spell chance.
- a successful Research proficiency check halves the time needed, ie: roll a Learn Spell check at end of every 3 1/2 days.
- Requirements
- Dagger
- (3 unused slots saved for Signature Spells)
- Languages, Modern 18
- Yuan-Ti
- Swimming 8
- Research 18
- grants +5% bonus to Learn Spell rolls when researching a new spell.
- only requires one-half the needed time to perform spell research or determine the process necessary to manufacture a particular magical item.
- Scribe 17
- grants +5% bonus to any roll (eg: Learn Spell rolls) needed in order to copy or transcribe a spell into a spell book or onto a scroll.
- Spellcraft 18
- Thaumaturgy 16
- grants +5% bonus on all Learn Spell rolls.
Treasures & Cash
- Platinium: 0
- Gold: 23
- Electrum: 0
- Silver: 7
- Copper: 5
- Encumbrance: 17 1/2 lbs (unencumbered)
- Movement Rate: 120 yards (360 feet) per round
(5 lbs)
- Robes (common)
- Belt
- Boots (soft)
- Cloak (good cloth)
- Sheath
(1 lb)
- Dagger
(11 1/2 lbs)
- Backpack
- Pouch (large/spell components)
- Pouch (small/coins)
- Lantern (hooded)
- Flask of Oil (lantern) x2
- Flint & Steel
- Wineskin
- Spellbook
- Scroll Case
- Papyrus x10
- Chalk x10
- Sack (large)