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Package Two. Compiled December 1930.

NOTE: Package Two is a follow-up to Package One, and draws from much of the same source material. A detailed index and synopsis presents the material from a strictly pragmatic perspective. Theory is omitted; this is all patterns, analysis, and practical application. The package purports to be a cookbook of processes, events, trends and possible outcomes.

Here, in effect, is a roadmap of significant events to be encountered in the next one to three years.

The nomenclature used in Package One is followed throughout; those who receive the second package but not the first should be able to make sense out of the work, but will be aware that a body of knowledge and vocabulary is in play that goes considerably beyond the mailing itself.

New Concepts[edit]

A few new concepts are introduced to give the bigger picture context:

  • The presence of a psi 'circulatory system'
    • In the human self and other living things
    • In the larger world (leys and wellsprings)
  • The presence of recorded but otherwise unexplained cycles of events
    • List of cyclic historical statistics (droughts, disease, violent crimes, etc.) for several landmark regions
    • The cycles are superimposed to show that they all approach a peak in the next 6-12 months (Spring 1931 -- somewhere in 1934) and not again for hundreds of millennia
  • The rise of ambient psi levels, and the levels in representative leys and hotspots, is charted going back from 1928 thru 1930, and is correlated with statistics showing the number of "miraculous events' on record.
    • The two charts show that the onset of the miracles and the start of the rise come at the same time.
    • The miracles chart shows that after the big bump things quieted, but are now beginning to rise once more.
  • The conclusion of this section: that the world is undergoing a natural "state change", more extreme than usual, but whose course can, to a degree, be predicted.

After this it's all pragmatic. Predictions are made but not justified in detail, though some inquisitive sorts might be able to piece some of it together from the stuff in Package One. The progress of these events is charted from January 1930 through December 1933. The rate of these changes is extrapolation based on existing trends, and is not prophecy; while the writer believes the order of events is accurate, the speed with which these things occur may change in either direction.

First Stage Effects: The Rise of Miracles (2/30 -- 9/31)[edit]

After their onslaught in February 1930, and an initial downturn between March and June 1930, anomalous incidents begin to slowly rise over the next 12 months. By June 1931 they are at a level approaching that of the first of March 1930 -- however the nature of the incidents has changed. Instead of swift changes that last only a short time, increasing numbers of incidents are of longer slower duration, with lasting impact on their surrounds.

Ambient psi levels also rise steadily throughout 1930-31. By the end of 1931 they average as much as 4 to 5 times their 1929 norms in the United States and most of Europe. This has several consequences, which become generally noticeable in the early months of 1931 and widespread by the end of the year:

  • Many individuals discover sensitivities to "psychic" phenomena, or evidence anomalous abilities of which they were previously unaware. Individuals already possessing such abilities find them stronger, easier to use or with additional characteristics not previously seen. While many of the possessors keep the changes to themselves, an upswing of psychics, witches, miracle workers and spiritualists is expected, of which only some are charlatans.
  • Very small children are greatest affected by these changes. Young boys and girls increasingly report speaking to ghosts, angels, or monsters. Some of these contacts are demonstrably real.
  • Certain forms of machinery, in particular those with rapidly moving iron (not steel) parts and those with powerful high-frequency electric currents, are plagued by failures, fires, breakdowns and frequent weird occurrences in their vicinity. Large generators, alternators, radio transmitters and electric motors may be particularly affected.
  • Certain folkways or occult rituals which previously seemed ineffectual now have power, sometimes unexpectedly. Many of these, of a protective nature, find widespread use as other anomalies become more common and threatening.
  • Heavy machinery and tools wielded near leys and wellsprings increasingly cause side effects and accidents. This is especially dangerous where leys cross well-trafficked highways.
  • Small localized outbreaks of the "Kansas City Flu" occur here and there, in communities where vaccines are not available. The first of these are found close to leys or hotspots. As the ambient rises, they become more widespread.

By late summer or early fall 1931 the psi ambient in many places has risen past a critical threshold, roughly four times the 1929 norm. Beyond this point, many items of refined silver or iron continually exhibit anomalous behavior, as if they were enchanted. Some items become dangerous to possess because of this, and mechanical industry in general is affected. Techniques can be applied to dampen some of these effects, but the consequences are expensive, long-term and lingering, causing significant additional burden on an already-staggering industrial economy.

Second Stage Effects: The Rise of Monsters (3/31 -- 12/32)[edit]

As the ambient strengthens generally, two patterns emerge. One is that the leys and hotspots thicken and begin to spread, while losing their tight edges and distinct separation from the surrounds. The other is that the rise is increasingly uneven: In fertile, populous, and well-traveled areas, such as towns and cities and domesticated lands, the ambient rises more rapidly, whereas isolated, barren or uninhabited places have lower ambient psi. By the late spring of 1931 the ambient in some remote regions begins to fall, countering the trend. These regions must be watched, as they are places where trouble rises later in the year. Pay special attention to areas of dwindling energy which contain isolated hotspots or regions bounded by traversing leys.

Patterns of occult or anomalous behavior begin, by May or early June 1931, to exhibit distinctly different characteristics in high- and low- ambient regions. The first stage effects noted above continue in the high-level regions, and are notable for "miracles," psychic and poltergeist episodes, ghostly or angelic visitations, unusual coincidences and evidence of involuntary mind-over-matter. Low-level regions increasingly exhibit other things, including antisocial or hysterical fits among the populace, madness, mysterious deaths and mutilations of people and animals, nightmares, sterility or pestilence in crops and livestock, and the like. By July or August 1931 some of these low regions have been invaded by mysterious and deadly predators, seen or unseen, which terrorize and kill and are a great problem.

By Spring 1932 spreading patches of land show either unnatural fertility or extreme barrenness; these are often bounded by or centered upon leys and wellsprings. Many such regions acquire "guardians" -- predators or protectors that become increasingly powerful through the year. Some of these may come in the form of local totems or spirits, others frankly alien and terrible. Communities with strong central folklore, faith or beliefs may find that their local guardians are a part of that lore and may be relied upon to follow its doctrines. Such manifestations may be called upon for aid. The alien apparitions, however, increase in numbers, power and range as the year develops, and pose a threat beyond this writer's immediate power to predict.

Areas where the ambient approaches zero exhibit terrible changes, as the laws of nature change and everything assumes a monstrous caste.

By the end of 1932 it is expected that many people either live in cities and towns, band together in defended communities, or exist at the mercy of things they do not understand and have little means to fight. Nationwide trade and communication is hampered or halted; armed wariness is predominant and travelers regarded with suspicion or hostility. "Good" and "evil" miracles are widespread, and many manifestations will be both tangible and permanent within their regions.

Third Stage Effects: The Crisis (1932-????)[edit]

Within the context of the above, there are larger trends to consider. Regional effects will not remain contained, but will spill outward and interact with one another. Opportunists and governments alike will capitalize on this trend, both to take advantage of the new energies for civil use and to employ them in warlike applications. Global conflict is a very likely outcome, especially in Europe, East and South Asia, and Northern Africa. America and the New World seems to exhibit few of the root causes of this urge to war; if it remains isolated, then decisive remedy might be more effective there.

As of this writing, much of Russia, Poland, and the south-western Soviet Union has extremely low ambient and is at grave risk of mass famine, pestilence, and a plague of monsters by mid-1932 unless something is done to revitalize the land.

Conversely, Germany is extremely fertile and has a high ambient and an aggressive population. As this is disturbed by the rise of change, unrest will cause that nation to become aggressive against its neighbors. War will follow.

Incidence of reported miracles, including godlike apparitions in temples and city streets, is already high in Egypt, Japan and India, and may be expected to worsen within the next six months with unpredictable result. We predict internal strife followed by a new order of power, then imperialistic expansion on several fronts.

The remainder of this path is difficult to predict. It is this writer's expectation that the crisis will be extreme, as laws and social systems are distorted and the land falls to violence. Further, any solution will require use of the psi forces and phenomena, not ignorance of them; governments and churches must make use of the tools to hand, and the ability to call upon the land and the world in its own defense must be cherished.

It is further likely that as the crisis develops, individuals and factions will arise that can bring the conflict even into populous and well-guarded cities. The ability to determine the purposes and abiliites of such significant entities is paramount.

Lastly -- No purely regional solution will suffice to end the crisis until the cycle passes in several years. By then, the regions that have fallen apart may have their own momentum. It is this writer's urgent advice to seek cooperative and global means to succor all parts of the world together, whether they are mundane or esoteric in nature.