Running Sheet Derek
- Lord of Amber-Rasak
- Sheriff of Dodge City
- Captain-flyer 197
- Captain-Junior Grade[colonel promotable to general by choice] Black Sheep Squadron
Total: = 121 Stats+ {100(51)}+Powers +35 Skills+{120(200)} Items +(+7/7 allies/Enemies) + 18 Shadows+ -3 Stuff +7 Storage
Statistics {121}[edit]
- Psyche: 6
- Strength: 45
- Endurance: 45
- Warfare: 25
Powers {100(51)}[edit]
- (50)Pattern of Amber-Tirna Na'gath
- 15 Sorcery
- 20 Conjuration
- 30 Limited Trump artist
- 5 Theivish Skills
- 20 Woven Logrus
- 5 Sword of Dalakut
- (1) broach from Eric
- 15 Castle Amber
Skills {40}[edit]
- 4 Quickdraw- Left
- 3 Quickdraw - Right, Left Blind
- 2 Quickdraw - Both Handed, Right Blind
- 1 Steal a gun Quickshot
- 3 Horsemanship
- 2 Cowboy Skills-Rope work
- 2 working with animal large and small
- 2 Butchering
- 2 Cooking for camp
- 2 Cooking for storing,shipping, jerking
- 3 Gunsmithing
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 3 Metal working
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 2 Card Tricks
- 1 fancy Flourish Ending
- 1 Stack Decks
- 2 Card Games, Fair and Cheating-Poker . An eye for cheaters.
- 1 Faro and other Card games
- 1 Cheat at Card Skill.
- 2 Dice Games
- 1 Detect Cheating
- 1
- 1
- 2 Chance Games-Roullette
- 1 Detect Cheating
- 1
- 3 Woodworking-Construction, Building Buildings
- 2 Logging. Cutting trees, shaving, cutting to board and Construction sizes
- 2 Building Design
- 2 Furniture Design &Constructon
- 1 Large scale Furnitue
- 1
- 3 Airpilot - WWII Ace
- 2 Wood& Sheet-WWI Style Pilot
- 2 Mustang- WWII Style Pilot
- 2 Airplane Mechanic
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 2 Automobile Driver & Mechanic
- 1 car Stunt driver
- 2 Brick & Concrete work
- 1 Casting Brick
- 1 Creative Concrete Worg
- 2 Gardening-Huge vegetable gardening
- 1 Farming-Corn, wheat. Etc.
- 1 Bonsai
- 1
- 1 Stage Magic -Prestidigitaons
- 1 Stage Mahic- Coin Work
- 1
- 1
- 1 Slot Car- Building, construction of tracks
Allies & Enemies {7/7 = 0}[edit]
- 3
- 2 Eric's Ghost
- 1
- 1
- 3 Vander
- 2
- 1
- 1
Items {()}[edit]
Horse breed - Acktarian (19)[edit]
- 2 Vitality
- 2 Mobility
- 4 Stamina
- 2 Combat Reflexes
- 2 Vs Gun
- 2 Double Damage
- 1 Speak- Traines well and understands commands well. Bonds to rider.
- 2 Danger sense
- 2 Rapid Heal
- 19
- Derek receives a loyal member of this breed every time the one he rides dies. The shortest time was one day. The longest was 100 years.
Gunfighting Guns 32[edit]
- 1 Animal Vitality
- 4 Invulnerable
- 4 Deadly Damage.
- 2 Mold Creatures and stuff. Mainly to make weapon appear normal to various shadows.
- 2 N/N: Colt.45 Peacemaker, Derringer,
- 1 Ability: Call to Hand/ Return
- 1 Ability: Cleanse on Demand
- 1 Ability: Load while in use.
- 16 x 2=32
Ammunition 7[edit]
- 1 Mobility:
- 1 Mold Stuff: Mold Ammunition to a usable powder and primer from shadow to shadow.
- 4 Deadly Damage
- 1 Ability. : Call to Hand by box. Return
- 7. x3 =21 horde.
- 3 America
- 3 Dastrina
- 3 Acktar
- 2 Olina's World of Luxery
- 2 Elvenar
- 2 Boxes of Cash-by year
- 1 Gold Nugget World
- 1 Gold Powder World
- 1 Mixed Jewels and Jewelry World-by year
- 1 Diamond Beach World
- -1 Permanent Bad Stuff
- -2 Bad Stuff
Storage' 7.[edit]
- 7 Storage
- He hates Vander and Vander does not know why. But Vander hates him too. It's chemical
- He gets along with Arloxedra but does not like him well.