Second String:Agent Augur

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"John Smith" had his old identity officially erased when he volunteered for the enhancement program that made him into Agent Augur, and there's little room in his new life for anything but his work now. That work was meant to be as an intelligence agent, a super-spy who could use his induced telepathy to ferret out secrets and detect hostile schemes before they could come to fruition. That plan went by the wayside. He was still finishing his training when several new international agreements were signed and his kind of "work" was officially banned and disavowed.

Making the best of a bad deal, the shadowy agency that had recruited him gave a new task - acting as government liaison and coordinator for the hero team he now works with. This put him in the awkward position of needing to fight alongside (and against) supers who could bench press a car, breathe fire and bounce bullets off their chests, something all the mind-reading in the world wouldn't help much against. Still, he keeps his head down and does his best, usually dealing with henchmen or squishier villains while his allies deal with the bigger threats. He's also a good "face" for the team, dealing with local law enforcement, politicians and new media with some aplomb thanks to subconscious cues from his telepathy.


Tall, powerfully built man of Irish descent, usually dressed in nondescript clothing appropriate to the setting. He looks good in anything from a tuxedo to a old flannel shirt, but does his best to avoid drawing attention when he can. When working with his hero team he adopts an unmarked set of urban camo fatigues with black combat boots. He has a deep but soft voice normally, although he can do a fine "drill sergeant" routine when he needs to.


Gender: Male

Age: 32

Height: 6'1"

Eyes: Green

Hair: Red

Skin: Caucasian, heavily freckled

Build: Athletic

Game Information[edit]

Archetype: Controller

Stress Capacity: 5


Brawler: When fighting Unarmed, you Evade with 2d6 rather than 1d6.

Crowd Control: You can use any power that does not directly inflict damage on up to three targets rather than one.

      • Opportunist:*** If an enemy within range fails to hit with an attack against you, you may immediately make an attack against them with Disadvantage.

Power Traits[edit]

Mind Reading 2: As an action, you may read the mind of one target. You gain Advantage on your next roll against them, and for one turn you may Evade their attacks without taking an Evade action.

Telekinesis 2: As an action you can interact with objects in your line of sight as though you were adjacent to them. As an action you can hurl objects or targets. Targets must make a Save Test with Disadvantage. If they fail, you may hurl them into another object or target dealing 2 damage. You gain Flight 1: You can fly, reaching near to the speed of sound at peak. It takes two actions to reach top speed.


Power Origin: Enhanced

Weakness: Disembodied Intelligences: Whether they're astral projections, ghostly spirits or beings of pure energy, immaterial mentalities are a jarring discordancy to his psionic senses. Complains of headaches and nosebleeds when such entities are in the vicinity, which may give away their presence. Artificial intelligences hosted on hardware like a computer or a robotic body don't cause him problems, though.

Trained Weapons (roll 2d6): Unarmed

Mastered Weapons (roll 3d6): Karate Chops

Belief: Knowledge is power.

Family Trade: He doesn't officially have a past any more, but he sure does know a lot about antiquities and fine art - and the black market for them.