Kjaelos Marak
Kjaelos Marak is a Wizard played by howareyou in Realms Of Adventure, an Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition PBP campaign currently running on RPGnet.

- At the Temple of Grondival. In audience with Lord Meron of Arikos.
- Condition: healthy, unimpaired
- Hit Points (1d4): 4 / 4
- Armor Class: 8
- Encumbrance: 17 1/2 lbs, unencumbered
- Movement Rate: 120 yards (360 feet) per round
- Light: none
- Spells Prepared: None
- Name: Kjaelos Marak
- Alignment Race Gender: Neutral Human Male
- Class Level: Wizard 1
- Experience (+10%): 520 / 2500
- Languages: Common, Yuan-ti
Character Abilities
- Strength: [8] to hit +0, damage +0, weight allowance 35, max press 90, doors 5, bars/gates 1%
- Dexterity: [16] reaction +1, missile attack +1, defense -2
- Constitution: [14] hp +0, system shock 88%, resurrection 92%, poison save +0, regen nil
- Intelligence: [18] proficiency slots +7, max spell lvl 9, learn spell chance 85%, max spells per lvl 18, spell immunity none, xp +10%
- Wisdom: [16] magical defense +2, spell immunity none
- Charisma: [12] max henchmen 5, loyalty +0, reaction +0
- Literacy: [12]
Combat Abilities
- Armor Class: 8
- Hit Points (1d4): 4
- Dagger
- type: melee piercing
- attack: 1d20
- damage (s-m/l): 1d4/1d3
- speed factor: 2
Spells Prepared
- None
Saving Throws
- Paralyzation, Poison or Death Magic: 14
- Rod, Staff or Wand: 11
- Petrification or Polymorph: 13
- Breath Weapon: 15
- Spell: 12
Saving Throw Modifiers
- Dexterity 16 grants -2 advantage to saves vs fireballs, lightning bolts, crushing boulders, and other attacks where nimbleness is helpful.
- Wisdom 16 grants -2 advantage to saves vs illusions, charms and other mental attacks.
Class Abilities/Traits
Spell Casting
- Highest Spell Level Attainable: 9th
- Chance to Learn Spell: 85%
- a successful Thaumaturgy proficiency check grants +5% to Learn Spell chance.
- a successful Scribe proficiency check grants +5% to any roll needed (eg: Learn Spell check) to copy or transcribe a spell into spell book.
- Maximum # of Spells Known per Level: 18
- Spells Preparation
- Level 1 (1 slot)
- Spells Known
- Level 1: Color Spray, Detect Magic, Phantasmal Force, Read Magic, Shield, Sleep
Magical Items
- Wielding and Using
- can use potions, rings, wands, rods, scrolls, and most miscellaneous magical items.
- can wield enchanted versions of weapon types the wizard is allowed to use.
- Creating
- level 9 Wizard may attempt to scribe scrolls and brew potions.
- successful Scribe proficiency check grants +5% to any roll needed to copy or transcribe a spell onto a scroll.
- level 11 Wizard may attempt to create other magical items like weapons, wands, staves, rods, rings, bracers, braziers, cloaks, and more.
- a successful Research proficiency check halves the time needed to determine the process necessary to manufacture a particular magical item.
Spell Research
- Researching a New Spell
- Requirements
- access to a Wizard's Laboratory
- good health
- uninterrupted full devotion of time and energy to the research effort
- Costs
- setting up a Wizard's Laboratory: 1,000-10,000 gp
- research expenditure: 100-1,000 gp per spell level
- Time Needed
- roll a Learn Spell check at end of every 2 weeks spent in research.
- a successful Thaumaturgy proficiency check grants +5% to Learn Spell chance.
- a successful Research proficiency check grants +5% to Learn Spell chance.
- a successful Research proficiency check halves the time needed, ie: roll a Learn Spell check at end of every 1 week.
- Requirements
- Researching from a Scroll ie: attempting to learn a spell from a scroll or spellbook and copy it into own spellbook
- Requirements
- access to a quiet place free from disturbance and interruptions
- good health
- uninterrupted full devotion of time and energy to the research effort
- Costs
- research expenditure: 50-500 gp per spell level
- Time Needed
- roll a Learn Spell check at end of every 1 week spent in research.
- a successful Scribe proficiency check grants +5% to any roll needed (eg: Learn Spell check) to copy or transcribe a spell into spell book.
- a successful Thaumaturgy proficiency check grants +5% to Learn Spell chance.
- a successful Research proficiency check halves the time needed, ie: roll a Learn Spell check at end of every 3 1/2 days.
- Requirements
- Dagger
- (3 unused slots saved for Signature Spells)
- Languages, Modern 18
- Yuan-Ti
- Swimming 8
- Research 18
- grants +5% bonus to Learn Spell rolls when researching a new spell.
- only requires one-half the needed time to perform spell research or determine the process necessary to manufacture a particular magical item.
- Scribe 17
- grants +5% bonus to any roll (eg: Learn Spell rolls) needed in order to copy or transcribe a spell into a spell book or onto a scroll.
- Spellcraft 18
- Thaumaturgy 16
- grants +5% bonus on all Learn Spell rolls.
Treasures & Cash
- Platinium: 0
- Gold: 23
- Electrum: 0
- Silver: 7
- Copper: 5
- Encumbrance: 17 1/2 lbs (unencumbered)
- Movement Rate: 120 yards (360 feet) per round
(5 lbs)
- Robes (common)
- Belt
- Boots (soft)
- Cloak (good cloth)
- Sheath (dagger)
(1 lb)
- Dagger
(11 1/2 lbs)
- Backpack
- Pouch (large/spell components)
- Pouch (small/coins)
- Lantern (hooded)
- Flask of Oil (lantern) x2
- Flint & Steel
- Wineskin
- Spellbook
- Scroll Case
- Papyrus x10
- Chalk x10
- Sack (large)
- Spell Scroll (Sleep) x2
- Spell Scroll (Color Spray) x1
A figure, roughly 5'8", broad-shouldered and spare of frame, stands before you. Dressed in thick, travel-worn, fur-trimmed robes that had once been of pristine white and dark purple color, he looks around briefly at his surrounding before turning towards you.
Jet black hair peek out from under a hood, framing the youthful face of a human male who had barely seen twenty summers. Clean-shaven with a strong jaw-line and sharp chin, his features would have appeared ordinary enough but for a long ugly scar across his face. A milky streak of healed flesh, beginning at a point right above his left brow, runs down almost vertically straight across his left eye and cheek, past his jaw, and finally ends at the base of his neck. His eyes are bright and arresting, and for several moments fixed intently upon you in an intense probing stare. You notice one of them, the left, is a deep mesmerizing azure-blue color, and the other, the right, a dark hypnotic emerald green.
The man dips his head, acknowledging you with a slight nod of greeting, then turns to survey his surrounding once again. Throwing back his hood to uncover a head of short rakish jet black hair, he self-consciously runs one hand through the tangled mess in a vain attempt to straighten out the kinks. You notice a small blade tucked into a sheath that is fastened horizontally along his belt within easy reach of his right hand. The blade is positioned in such a manner that a quick forward motion of the hand will produce the weapon in a reverse grip fashion ready for a fight. Several nondescript pouches hang from the man's belt as well, similarly positioned within easy reach of his left hand.
The man moves and walks with a gravitas and quiet confidence that belies his youth. His motions are spare and efficient, his actions deft and precise.
Kjaelos was born to human parents who were captured during a raid on their village by Yuan-ti slavers. They were brought to one of the creatures' larger settlements deep in the jungle and sold into slavery under horrific conditions. Not long after their enslavement, Kjaelos was born. Apart from vague memories of them as a baby, Kjaelos never knew his parents as they had died one after the other very soon after his birth. By the strange and capricious turn of fate, Kjaelos survived his early helpless years, learned to adapt, and grew up.
The Yuan-ti master whom he served was a pure-blood who had a strange fascination with humans and always liked to keep several of them around as slaves. This particular Yuan-ti, who was considered eccentric amongst his own kin, was also a priest of some standing who had more than a passing interest in the arcane arts which he delved into much more than the rest of his brethren were inclined to.
The jungle which surrounded the Yuan-ti settlement was hot and wet and rife with disease. A foul greyish mist, mixed in with a sickening smell of smoke and burnt flesh from sacrifical fires which were kept burning day and night in the temple, constantly shrouded the place. Here, the weak and the foolish died very quickly. And for those who remained, the terrible spectre of Death hovered nearby constantly, ready in a split second to snatch up and devour the unlucky in its cruel and deadly jaws.
It was in the middle of such a deadly place however, that the boy Kjaelos learned very quickly how to stay alive. He adapted to his environment and circumstances, constantly maneuvering between his betters and his peers to gain that extra edge necessary to survive. He learned how to make himself useful to his master, how to protect himself from the other Yuan-ti, and how to fend for himself amongst the other slaves. And he managed to, over many years of assisting his master in his research, learn the rudimentaries of the arcane arts himself.
After almost 2 decades as a slave of the monstrous Yuan-ti, an opportunity to escape presented itself. Kjaelos grabbed it and never looked back.
Adventure Log
- ^ experience awarded
- party meetup in a tavern in Arikos
- encountered Ralsh a kobold with injured wings, decided to help him
- spoke to priest Mui at Rosa shrine in Arikos, received news nearby village has wild dogs problem at well construction site
- visited Grond temple in Arikos, received direction to Thur village
- defeated wild dogs at well construction site at Thur
- dropped off Ralsh at Rosa temple in Lerds to be healed (Help Ralsh arc ends)^
Experience Log
- Help Ralsh arc (473 + 10% = 520xp)
- 23 xp each for the dogs
- 100 xp each for role-playing
- 50 xp each for not killing the dogs
- 50 xp each for accompanying Ralsh
- 200 each for accomplishing the minor objective of dealing with the dogs/helping Ralsh heal
- To howareyou: 50 xp for using Sleep to overcome the dogs