Human Berserker 1
Human Berserker 1
XP 252/500
Alignment Chaotic
XP Modifier +5%
Max Level 14
STR 14 (+1)
INT 10
WIS 10
DEX 12
CON 14 (+1)
CHA 11
Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills
Class Abilities
- Berserkers Cleave as fighters.
- A berserker may enter a rage, during which they gain
the following benefits:
➢ They take 1/2 damage (rounded down) from physical attacks.
➢ If subjected to fear or mind-affecting spells they may roll twice for the saving throw, taking the better result. Berserker NPCs in a rage roll twice for morale checks, again taking the better result.
➢ Each of their successful attacks inflicts extra damage equal to the berserker’s Hit Dice.
➢ The character ignores one level of encumbrance, moving at the next higher movement rate: a character with a move of 60’ (20’) would instead move at 90’ (30’). If their movement is already 120’ it increases to 150’.
There are drawbacks to the berserker rage, as well:
➢ The character must continue to attack while they are raging, even if there are no foes left (see below).
➢ Attacks made against the berserker gain a +2 bonus as, in their fury, they no longer try to actively avoid blows. ➢ The raging character cannot cast spells, activate items, drink a potion, etc. They also cannot coordinate with their companions.
Typically, a berserker is not able to enter their rage at will. There’s a base 1 in 6 chance when a berserker enters combat that they will enter their rage. This increases by 1 for every additional round they remain in combat. If they are wounded during combat the chance increases by 1. Make the roll at the beginning of the berserker’s turn. At 7th level the berserker may roll twice when checking to enter or leave a rage, choosing which of the two results to take.
A berserker enters battle. During the first round her player rolls a 2, so she does not enter a rage. At the beginning of the second round, before her turn, she is wounded, increasing the chance by 1, in addition to the +1 for entering the second round of combat. The chance of entering a rage is now 3 in 6. She rolls a 4 and does not enter a rage. She is wounded again, and in the 3rd round has a 5 in 6 chance of entering the rage. She rolls a 1 and begins to rage.
A character can rage for no more than 1d4 rounds (rolled each time they enter the rage), plus an additional round per Hit Die they possess, and upon leaving their rage must rest for one turn for every round they spent raging or suffer a –2 penalty to all attack rolls and saving throws until they can rest. This penalty is cumulative.
The berserker typically cannot easily exit a rage, either. Once all of their foes are slain they must roll equal to or less than their Wisdom score on 3d6 to leave the rage brefore it naturally ends. This check is made once every round. Otherwise, they will continue to attack those nearby.
The melting ice ushered in Dry Gulch, Noman the Northerner. Driven from his homeland by guilt, and seeking to lay low, chose the shouts and chatter of this city. What Noman lacks in size, makes it up triple in brooding and scowling. His goal is to prove his worth in battle, and bring back trophies of his adventures, in particular relics of the barbarian tribes lost in raids of the southern cities of old.
Toughness. The berserker rolls 1d10 for her HD, rather than 1d8. This Knack can only be selected once, but it can be selected at any level, provided the character reroll their hit points at each level.
AC 17
HP 6/6
HD 1d10
Movement Rate 60' (20')
Initiative Modifier None
- Primary Melee Attack: Sword (1d8+1) +1 to attack
- Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger (1d4+1), +1 to attack
- Primary Ranged Attack: Crossbow (1d6), +0 to attack
- Poison 12
- Wands 13
- Paralysis 14
- Breath 15
- Spells 16
- Money: 27 gp
- Encumbrance: 720
- Readied:
- Plate mail (500)
- Shield (100)
- Sword (60)
- Dagger (10)
- Crossbow + 28 quarrels (50 cn)
- Magical Lantern
- Packed
- Backpack (316 of 400 cn available)
- 6 torches
- Tinderbox
- waterskin
- 1 wk iron rations
- 2 small sacks (200 cn each)
- 1 large sack (400 cn)
- Stakes (3) and mallet