Spinworlds 5e Marque Vranilde

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  • Variant Human Artificer (Mastermaker) 7
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Background: Shipwright
  • Personality trait: I'm extremely fond of puzzles.
  • Ideal: The horizon at sea/space holds the greatest promise.
  • Bond: I repair broken things to redeem what's broken in myself.
  • Flaw: I don't know when to throw something away. You never know when it might be useful again.



  • STR: 10 (+0)
  • DEX: 14 (+2)
  • CON: 12 (+1)
  • INT: 20 (+5) (max 22)
  • WIS: 13 (+1)
  • CHA: 10 (+0)

Combat Details[edit]

  • AC: 19 (breastplate, repulsion shield)
  • HP: 45
  • Speed: 30’
  • Proficiency: +3
  • HD: 7d8


Arcana +8
History +8
Investigation +8
Nature +8
Perception +4

Saving Throws[edit]

  • Strength +0
  • Dexterity +2
  • Constitution +4
  • Intelligence +8
  • Wisdom +1
  • Charisma +0


  • Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Simple Weapons
  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
  • Skills: Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Perception
  • Tool Proficiencies (Expertise): Carpenter's tools, Cartographer’s tools, Smith's tools, Thieves tools, Tinker's tools, Vehicles (space)
  • Languages: Common, One more

Traits and Features[edit]

Bonus Feat: Spell Sniper (Fire Bolt)
Bonus Skill: Nature
I'll Patch It!: Provided you have carpenter's tools and wood, you can perform repairs on a water vehicle. When you use this ability, you restore a number of hit points to the hull of a water vehicle equal to 5 × your proficiency modifier. A vehicle cannot be patched by you in this way again until after it has been pulled ashore and fully repaired.
Firearm Proficiency
Magical Tinkering
Ritual Casting
Infuse Item (6 known, 3 infused)
Tools of Integration: you gain proficiency with heavy armor and smith’s tools.
Mastermaker Spells: 1st - Absorb Elements, Thunderous Smite; 2nd - Enhance Ability, Lesser Restoration
Prosthesis Expertise: whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch a nonmagical object and imbue it with your power, creating a permanent magical item that replaces a lost limb—a hand, arm, foot, leg, or similar body part. While the prosthetic is attached, it functions identically to the part it replaces. The wearer can detach or reattach it as an action, and it can’t be removed against the wearer’s will. It detaches if the wearer dies.
Battlefist: you replace one of your arms with a battlefist, a magical prosthetic you created. Your battlefist is a simple melee weapon, and you can use it as a spellcasting focus for your artificer spells. While your battlefist is a magical weapon, it can be infused as if it were a nonmagical weapon. When you attack with your battlefist, you can use your Intelligence modifier instead of Strength for the attack roll. If you hit with it, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d10 + your Strength or Intelligence modifier. At 9th level, the damage dealt by your battlefist increases to 2d10 + your Strength or Intelligence modifier. Additionally, you can choose one of the following weapon properties to add to your battlefist: finesse, thrown (range 20/60), or reach. When you finish a long rest, you can replace this property with a different weapon property from the list.
The Right Tool for the Job
Extra Attack
Tool Expertise
Flash of Genius

Spells and spellcasting[edit]

Spell Attack +8
Spell Saving Throw DC 16
Cantrips known: Mending, Shocking Grasp, Fire Bolt
Spell Slots:
1st - 4
2nd - 3
Spells prepared: 8
1st - Absorb Elements*, Thunderous Smite*, Cure Wounds, Detect Magic(R), Faerie Fire, Identify(R), Feather Fall, Grease
2nd - Enhance Ability*, Lesser Restoration*, See Invisibility, Levitate


Infusions Known: 6. Bold = infused
Enhanced Arcane Focus
Enhanced Defense
Mind Sharpener (infused: Kurga's armour)
Replicate Magic Item (Goggles of Night) (infused: own goggles)
Repulsion Shield (infused: own shield)
Radiant Weapon


Battlefist +8 melee, Reach 10' (1d10+5 bludgeoning)
Fire Bolt +8 ranged 240' (2d10 fire)
Shocking Grasp +8 melee, Advantage vs metal armour (2d8 lightning and target can't use Reactions until start its next turn)
Light Crossbow +5 ranged 80/320' (1d8+2 piercing)


Breastplate armor, Shield, Dagger, Spear, Light Crossbow with 20 bolts, thieves’ tools and a dungeoneer’s pack, a set of well-loved carpenter's tools, a blank book, 1 ounce of ink, an ink pen, a set of traveler's clothes, and a Leather Pouch with extra coin

Coin on Hand: 53 gp, 8 sp, 5 cp + treasure and rewards - 400gp for new breastplate


Marque Vranilde was born and grew up on Azumer. He started as an shipwright apprentice on a smaller merchant sailing craft. These voyages were always dangerous do to the pollutuon of the seas by undead. Many captains often hired on priests and clerics to protect their ship's and crew from these foul beings. After Marque had gained journeyman status in his craft a year ago he meet Kurga when she was hired on as the same ship he was working and she aid the crew survive a terrible undead raid on the ship. He is recently signed on as shipwright of a ship that pries the local Spinspace and mentioned it to Kurga.