Exceedingly Exiled:Vestige
Name: Ari Lokischild
Aka: Ari Quartermaine (mother took surname from General Hospital)
Gender: Yes (They/Them)
Codename: Vestige (from Elder Scrolls Online, they just thought it sounded cool)
Appearance (male form): Looks like Loki
Appearance (female form): Basically female version of Loki (i.e. someone would think they were a sibling)
Strength: 10
Stamina: 10
Agility: 0
Dexterity: 0
Fighting: 6
Intellect: 3
Awareness: 0
Presence: 0
Attractive: +2 circumstance bonus to interactions based on looks
Close Attack: +1 bonus to close attack checks
Equipment: 5 points of equipment
Improvised Tools: No penalty for using skills without tools
Improvised Weapon: Use Unarmed Combat skill with improvised weapons, +1 damage bonus
Jack -of-all-Trades: Use any skill untrained
Luck: Re-roll one die roll
Throwing Mastery 2: +2 damage bonus with thrown weapons
Sword: Damage 1, Strength-based
Expertise (music) 4 (+7)
Persuasion 2 (+2)
Stealth 8 (+8)
Technology 8 (+11)
Amazing Voice: Feature 1 (+5 circumstance bonus when singing)
Electric Guitar: Feature 1 (treat any guitar as an electric guitar)
Morphing Gender: Feature 1 (switch between male and female gender expressions)
Asgardian/Frost Giant Physiology:
- Immunity 5 (aging, disease, environmental cold, environmental heat, poison)
- Regeneration 2
- Comprehend 2 (speak all languages, understand all languages)
Immunity 10 (electricity effects)
30-point Array:
- Electrical Cloud: Ranged Cloud Damage 10
- EMP Pulse: Burst Weaken Electronics: Affects Only Objects, Broad, Simultaneous
- Manipulate Technology: Perception Ranged Move Objects 10: Precise, Limited to Electrical Machinery
Dodge: 10
Parry: 6
Fortitude: 10
Toughness: 10
Will: 6
Abilities: 58
Powers: 56
Advantages: 9
Skills: 11
Defences: 16
Total: 150
Motivation: Curiosity
Motivation: Helping Others
Switches Gender When Stressed
Ari is the child of Loki and of Joreid, a Valkyrie, and niece of Odin, making them a first cousin of Thor, and half Asgardian, half frost giant, and was brought up on Earth.
Their familial relationship with their father, and the tendency to shift to male form when stressed, has caused them no end of trouble since their, appearance wise, the same age as the Asgardian supervillain
That, and there tendency to poke their nose where it doesn’t belong, due to curiously, and wanting to help people in need, has ended up with them having to dig their way out of sticky situations more than once.
Divergence due to Surtur’s attack on Asgard and invasion of Midgard, during which Ari fell from Bifrost when it was destroyed by the frost giant