Wrecker Spells
Powers {5(3)}[edit]
- 2 Fort Garland Sigil of Avalon; Basic Imprint : Wrecker Spells
- Low Order Inscription located in Lily Lake, near Ft. Garland, CO, USA, Earth; Shadow Garland aka Change World.
- Sigil can be used as a Lens for Detection purposes.
- Sigil can be used Defensively.
- Sigil reacts violently vs Woven Logrus; blue lightning (NEW)
- Sigil can be used as a Spell Framework. Holds Spells like a Web. (re: Zachary and Fortunadus)
- High Order Sorcery Spell (2): Holder Frame ONLY (no need to Cast)
- Low Order Sorcery Spells (5): Holder & Casting Frame.
- Other Low Order Spells (?): Holder Frame ONLY
- (3) Avalon Shape Shifting; Specific Alternate Forms ONLY:
- Gained assaying the Ft. Garland Sigil of Avalon.
- Forms: Dwarf(True Form), Orc, Human, Elf & Magical Creature?.
- 2 Partial Low Order Sorcery Sorcery in Jeweled Amber
- Low Order versions of High Order Sorcery Spells
- Less power overall; less intensity, effectiveness, duration.
- This is NOT a Low Order Magic System, such as; Magery, Wizardry, Listery, etc.
- Only able to Create some Spells using the Shadow Manipulation Micro-Spell ONLY
- Low Order versions of High Order Sorcery Spells
- 1 Cantrips : Wrecker Spells
- 3 Thief : Wrecker Spells
- 1 Mage
: Wrecker Spells
- Framework: Low Order Inscription; Basic Imprint; Fort Garland Sigil of Avalon
- High Order Sorcery Spell Slots (2): Holder Frame ONLY; no need to Cast.
- [Empty], [Empty]
- Low Order Sorcery Spell Slots (5): Holder and Casting Frame.
- Invisibility (good for a Low Order Sorcerer. the main difference between High and Low versions is duration)
- Giant Slap (good enough to shut doors but not kick open strong doors. But it could play hell with a table setting)
- Cardiac Arrest (a killing spell for High Order but for Low Order it is mainly a massive chest pain distraction unless someone has heart problems)
- Defensive Shield (as a Low Order spell is mainly useful against Low Order Magic, but its a must)
- Single Wound Healing (stops a single wound from causing someone to bleed out. The size of the wound is important. A High Order version will stop almost any wound short of decapitation)
- Low Order Magic System Spell Slots (?): Holder Frame ONLY; no need to Cast.
- Currently Empty
- High Order Sorcery Spell Slots (2): Holder Frame ONLY; no need to Cast.