Adventurers of Absalom: Character Page
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Kurgan Blisterbeard
Really dwarven Dwarf Cleric Look: Dwarves all look the same Alignment: Good Level: 2
STR 15 (+1) DEX 8 (-1) CON 11 (0) INT 9 (0) WIS 17 +2 CHA 13 (+1)
Armor 2 Damage D6 HP 17
Reformed Evangelical Church of Vergadain Domain: Civilization Petition: Personal Victory
Divine Guidance Turn Undead Commune Cast a Spell
Gear: 15 Load (Doing the Load = Strength suggested in other thread)
Chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight) Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight) Adventuring gear (1 weight) and dungeon rations (1 weight) Warhammer (Close, 1 weight)
Cure Light Wounds Magic Weapon Speak With Dead Bless
Pendrell had better nae do that song again, or I am gan' tae adopt the Orthodox Vergadainist stance on Elf Thwacking Rook is jus' an adorable wee lass, and a bonnie one too! *affectionate cheek pinch* Harry is a bit soft in the heid, that lad, but an alright sort overall. I think a conversion will dae him good. I think Benn's a, wossname, an atheist? I suspect it. An' that's just daft.