Silvana's Spells
Powers {45}
- (50) Amber Pattern Imprint : Silvana's Spells
- 25 (10) Full Shapechange.
- 15 Sorcery
- 5(5) Advanced Arden Stone Imprint: : Silvana's Spells
- Hang 2 major and 12 minor spells. Communion with local Nature.
- 0 Cantrips : Silvana's Spells
- (26)Fey Powers : Silvana's Spells
- General Fey Abilities
add more according to the lists at Fey Powers
- Sense other Fey
- Sense Fey influences
- Find Water
- Cantrips: Fey, being close to nature with magical connections, will have a few Cantrips.
- Detect Poisons
- Immunity to Sleep magic. This is a general immunity and high power effect can put Fey to sleep.
- Pass without trace. This is knowing how to move in and environment in a way to not disturb the ground and foliage on it. A skilled tracker might till follow them.
- Identify plant. This represents the vat amount of plant lore taught Fey. If they were on a world where they had no experience they might identify plants in comparison to plants they know.
- Sense weather: This is the hairs on the back of the neck feeling when crtain types of weather may occur. Rises in humidity, oncoming storms.
- Faerie Fire:
- Swim as fast as running on land.
- Blend with plants-Trees. Oak easiest.
- Shapeshift to alt form: Among the more powerful 1 pip powers this manifests as a fey having an alternate form as part of their nature. It may include one elemental form but in that case it is a racial things.
Advanced Fey Powers
- Rest with nature (recover endurance twice as fast)
- Spider Climb
- Speak to Animals-Conversational at the intelligence of the animal.
- speak with Plants-This is not a conversational Speaking but a sensing of things according to the plant's level of perception.
- Life Bond: Fey is bound to some other life Form or place-Oak Tree in Arden
Master Fey Powers
- Cause Plant Growth (based on Psyche)
- Commune with nature.